I'm fine thank you...... lurched forward, bike almost went over my head, back wheel well off ground, regained balance, weaved across road, in a mad "don't worry I really know what I'm doing" kinda thing... forgot I was clipped in, panicked even more, yanked on breaks, stopped sharply, and fell off....landing on my Frag in my back pocket. and then.... I think the phrase might be 'doing a Pontiff'.... gently kissed the ground..... all this to cheers from a bunch of scaffolders.
Over the years I've often wondered how I could gain the interest of a bunch of scaffolders...... in a positive way.... this was not a positive way.
I am expecting a quite spectacular bruise on my rear buttock where I landed on aforementioned Fag......
Only real damage to pride. I am a muppet sometimes. :-)
Why all this to gain the interest of Max?