• #327
New post up on her tumblr.
• #329
she has updates and a new site
• #330
I'm a female cyclist who has to put up with this crap, even in rural Lincs. As guys, what do you suggest is the best action/reaction to these idiots - ignore, shout back,wave the bird....? I was physically attacked when I was younger so maybe have a bit more fear/reserve than needed but dammit!!! I ride 125-150 miles a week and am not going to let any c*nts stop me...
• #331
As a guy I don't know what to say because I can't really imagine what goes through the heads of these bastards so I don't know how they would respond. As far as every day aggression on the roads goes, the sort of shouts and insults that all cyclists get from time it time, my approach is to ignore it. Occasionally I will blow a driver a kiss if I think that will annoy him more than me screaming at him but that's as far as I go. In serious situations I would try to stay calm and get as much evidence as I could to make a complaint to the police.
• #332
I doubt anybody here can offer any real insight into the best action/reaction as its responding to behaviour that makes no sense whatsoever. However L.A.S.H http://lashcampaign.org/combatting-harassment/ seem to have some sensible advice.
On the face of it I think you have it covered with the "not letting any nonce stop me" attitude. -
• #333
I'm a female cyclist who has to put up with this crap, even in rural Lincs. As guys, what do you suggest is the best action/reaction to these idiots - ignore, shout back,wave the bird....? I was physically attacked when I was younger so maybe have a bit more fear/reserve than needed but dammit!!! I ride 125-150 miles a week and am not going to let any c*nts stop me...
Maybe have a camera in your hand and visibly take a picture. (you can fake it) might scare them off.
• #334
^ I really don't know, but I'm sure the majority of guys who do this, do it because they don't actually realise how upsetting it can be. (in all honesty until I read this thread, I never gave it much thought either).
So If you have the opportunity/time (which I guess you don't in the countryside?), maybe just pointing out how it makes you feel and ask them how they would feel if someone did the same to their mother/sister/gf/wife. If you do this in a calm matter of fact way, I think it would actually have more impact and long term benefit that a rant.
Or if its a business and you can get a plate or co name, then write to someone there...
....I always thought it would be good if you could get a contact at a london daily to write a piece on it who would then use your specific eg of the co in question. Then you go to the Co before publication and suggest they implement some sort of training program so that the article can be spun to make them look good:
"we received a complaint from x and felt strongly so implemented this program...bla..bla... we believe that more co's should make and effort...etc...etc..."
• #335
"I'd love to be your saddle, darlin'..."
"Why's a girl like you riding a bike?"
• #336
As a guy I don't know what to say because I can't really imagine what goes through the heads of these bastards so I don't know how they would respond. As far as every day aggression on the roads goes, the sort of shouts and insults that all cyclists get from time it time, my approach is to ignore it. Occasionally I will blow a driver a kiss if I think that will annoy him more than me screaming at him but that's as far as I go. In serious situations I would try to stay calm and get as much evidence as I could to make a complaint to the police.
Completely agree - I cannot relate to men who think that wolf-whistling/honking/lurid comments to passing women will get them any kind of positive attention. What do they expect to get back??
I do love that you're a 'kisser' too though - I have yet to have a comeback when any abuse has been shouted at me and I've responded by blowing a kiss. Does love truely conquer all?
• #337
(tripod on handlebar), ready to be turned on if anyone decided to make a fuss?
• #338
...men who think that wolf-whistling/honking/lurid comments to passing women will get them any kind of positive attention. What do they expect to get back??
Ppl always say this and it misses the point. It's not about getting a girls attention and picking up. It's done for a laugh. And tbh 99.9% of the time they do get a positive reaction, because they and their mates will prob find it funny.
Just out of curiousity, have any of the girls here had comments from a single individual? I'd have thought it's almost always in groups.
• #339
It's not just women who get it. I was at the lights when Some bloke in a minivan asked me if he could ride my bike, I just smiled, then he said "gimme a kiss", i smiled uncomfortably again, then he said "I'll kiss your bumhole"
• #340
Do you dress/look like a hipster?
It's sometime a little hard to tell the difference between a male and female hipster, especially when the male look as feminine as the female (skinny legs, women's clothing, etc.).
• #341
He was gay
• #342
^ homophobe. And you avoided the question (also homophobic).
• #343
No i answered the question. Ed was suggesting he thought i was a women. THat wasn't the case
• #344
fuck me, do women really have to start mounting cameras on their bikes because morons cant control their impulse to articulate the urges of their dog-like libidos?
i never thought much about this either until my girlfriend starting cycling (in london) and began reporting regular incidents ("hey cunt/show me your tits/wanna shag" etc etc).
she takes a philisophical view of these things despite my practically begging her to note reg numbers and company details (on the vans, its always fucking vans) and make complaints.thistler - laugh at them. they want to see you intimidated. give them a contemptuous look instead and laugh out loud at the sad little pricks they are. they might well respond with some pretty insulting stuff but as guys i assure you they'll feel burned and they'll think about their humiliation afterwards. dunno why but this stuff works on guys, especially the stupid ones.
• #345
A messenger called me a cunt and spat on the ground when I was crossing Great Portland Street. My reaction went from shock to rage to why me, but he was long gone. I didn't make him slow down to get past / around me, but I was checking out his bike - is that offensive behaviour?
• #346
A messenger called me a cunt and spat on the ground when I was crossing Great Portland Street. My reaction went from shock to rage to why me, but he was long gone. I didn't make him slow down to get past / around me, but I was checking out his bike - is that offensive behaviour?
Wouldn't worry. He's probably still stuck in the great courier vs fakenger war of 2007.
I doubt anybody here can offer any real insight into the best action/reaction as its responding to behaviour that makes no sense whatsoever. However L.A.S.H http://lashcampaign.org/combatting-harassment/ seem to have some sensible advice.
On the face of it I think you have it covered with the "not letting any nonce stop me" attitude.My friend Vicky started LASH! She was on BBC London recently. Good stuff.
• #347
thistler - laugh at them. they want to see you intimidated. give them a contemptuous look instead and laugh out loud at the sad little pricks they are. they might well respond with some pretty insulting stuff but as guys i assure you they'll feel burned and they'll think about their humiliation afterwards. dunno why but this stuff works on guys, especially the stupid ones.
Right, I will, and see how I get on. I don't want to go down the camera route, I just want to enjoy my rides with out being hassled.
I've had comments from both single guys and guys in groups, though it is more common from guys in groups.
A few weeks ago there were 4 young guys on scooters that kept riding around me and beeping, calling out rude crap. This was on a quiet country lane. I didn't respond, but caught up with them later when they were sitting on a bridge. They started up again so I stopped, took off my sunglasses and said, "Really? I'm old enough to be your mum. Would you say this crap to your mum?"
Got typical responses "I would if she looked like you" "MILF!! MILF!!" I decided it was safer to leave then to sit around debating with a bunch of hormonal idiots, while they called nice things after me..."Sad old c*nt!! Fat ugly bitch!!" etc. etc. etc... Nice!!!!!
Last week I was followed by an old farmer in his tractor, right on my a** for about 2 miles. I couldn't figure out why he wasn't passing me - there was room and I was only doing about 15mph. Finally I stopped to let him by and he waved and shouted "Just enjoying the view...." I dunno. I didn't find that nearly as insulting as what I usually get, but still...
• #348
A 'women' (sic) has made it into 101 wankers... #11 I think it is.
I also liked #9, the bit about someone in a car getting all antsy and honking their horn, seemingly because two cyclists were being sociable whilst waiting at a red light - kind of like a 'how very dare you have a nice time whilst in traffic?!' response. I have had a very similar experience.
• #349
Maybe rather than the bird try the extending and wiggling the little finger in the universally acknowledged gesture for "you must have a small cock, also through in the raised eybrow for a little incredulality.
I regularly offer this gesture but being a guy generally I get the filled with rage reaction.
• #350
Maybe rather than the bird try the extending and wiggling the little finger in the universally acknowledged gesture for "you must have a small cock, also through in the raised eybrow for a little incredulality.
I regularly offer this gesture but being a guy generally I get the filled with rage reaction.
oooooh, good one!!! I'll remember that!
Tweeting implied that we'll have wanker number 8 soon.