• Not strictly weekend rides, but this seems like the best place for them. They were the lead up to an extremely pleasant Saturday in Edinburgh (tenuous link), during which the only cycling took place between hotel and train station.

    Thursday, Harrogate to Hexam: The route started with a lot of intricate ups and downs through twisty county lanes before heading into the Pennines, which were incredible. I'll be going back to do this one without panniers, at some point. It was fucking brilliant.

    Friday, Hexam to Edinburgh: Thanks to appalling weather, what should have been a straightforward final leg through a lovely national park was something of a struggle. It pissed it down from 7:00 until noon, making the journey through Kielder feel like I was approaching the edge of the earth. The afternoon was bright, but a wind going south turned the journey going north from relaxing downhill spin to arduous grind. It was one of those jaunts the enjoyment of which is only discovered after a hot bath and a change of clothes.

    Monday Wednesday was London to Harrogate, and wasn't as interesting.
