Ummm some dude on a cream surly near threadneedle streetl shouting your a twat to a city sprint driver as he cut us up - well put sir.
Sone other guy opposite LMNH with polka dot rims I turned to look nearly hitting a bus - I have no idea if your on here as I don't have a clue what any of look like. I was the big guy on a lime green bob griffin.
Ummm some dude on a cream surly near threadneedle streetl shouting your a twat to a city sprint driver as he cut us up - well put sir.
Sone other guy opposite LMNH with polka dot rims I turned to look nearly hitting a bus - I have no idea if your on here as I don't have a clue what any of look like. I was the big guy on a lime green bob griffin.