• #27
8 PhDs out of the first 88 respondants.. We're a high-brow bunch
• #28
a surprising amount of people on £90,000+.......bastards
It also depends on people's honesty about their salary. In my experience that's an area where people like to over state.
• #29
8 PhDs out of the first 88 respondants.. We're a high-brow bunch
I am also married to a supermodel and own a yacht and my own private island.
• #30
Why bastards, chances are they have worked for it. Good luck to them.
Bastards because i'm a student and soon to finish my degree with loads of student loads to pay back! I just wouldn't mind being in their shoes!
• #31
Oh, you said £90,000+ too? I hope we're not skewing the results too much
No I said 65+ once
• #32
I am also married to a supermodel and own a yacht and my own private island.
I have a supermodel girlfriend, working on the dinghy and a bit of sludge in the middle of the Thames.
• #33
How do you view the results? I've filled it in but I'm still getting the form.
• #34
yeah, it sucks... I can see the results, but it won't let me embed the responses.
Wait, I'll screw with the sharing settings.
• #35
Can you see this:
https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AucpCFT9kXRldGltYTNMeTJPVWUyNDhyRTdaSDc4a0E&hl=en_GB&authkey=CKC6k7gFWhat about this?
• #36
"**We're sorry, sweetsixteen69@gmail.com does not have permission to access this spreadsheet
You are signed in as sweetsixteen69@gmail.com, but that email address doesn't have permission to access this spreadsheet. (Sign in as a different user or request access to this document)Find out more about this topic at the Google Docs Help Center."
• #37
Just changed it... try now.
• #38
yep, fixed, ta
Can you see this:
https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AucpCFT9kXRldGltYTNMeTJPVWUyNDhyRTdaSDc4a0E&hl=en_GB&authkey=CKC6k7gFWhat about this?
• #39
Will pay £20 for the identity of number 22, Velocio.
• #40
Hah, I hid the timestamp that they filled it in so you couldn't correlate it to the time people said they posted ;)
• #41
• #42
Will pay £20 for the identity of number 22, Velocio.
It's also probably hippy.
• #43
Blimey. What an educated lot. hides face in shame
• #44
On the topic of education. I have until the end of next year to decide wether I want to do a third degree in 1 year. I'm thinking no right now.
• #45
What's wrong with the 2 you have?
• #46
This is proving something I suspected, which is that the Alexa stuff was totally out on education.
Maybe less educated people are more prone to installing Alexa toolbars?
• #47
I vote no. Maybe if none of your degrees so far have involved lots of literature you could read some good novels instead, if you do feel the need to have your head stuck in a book all the time?
On the topic of education. I have until the end of next year to decide wether I want to do a third degree in 1 year. I'm thinking no right now.
• #48
On the topic of education. I have until the end of next year to decide wether I want to do a third degree in 1 year. I'm thinking no right now.
• #49
Bastards because i'm a student and soon to finish my degree with loads of student loads to pay back! I just wouldn't mind being in their shoes!
Get a good degree, work hard and there is no reason why you couldn't be in "their shoes".
• #50
I'm female. Win!