• When some illiterate hipster moron comes on here and starts impatiently and rudely demanding things or gobbing off about a load of rubbish, I want to be able to call them a twat without repercussion of being banned, I want to be able to say exactly what I would say in "real life".

    If we are forced to treat idiots with kid gloves and pander to the ungrateful then it's a sad old day.

    I'd see it more as a case of either persistently being an arsehole either towards the same person(s), i.e bullying; or persistently acting in a unprovoked / disproportionately arsehole-ish manner towards people.

    Calling someone a twat because they are rudely gobbing off is not a problem but being rude to any newby no matter what could be a problem.

    Determining if someone is an arsehole is the problem, benevolent dictator, committee or popular vote all have their problems.

    Fuck know why I'm writing this shit, am an arsehole for sure.
