This is what I've been doing yesterday, drilling 64 holes in an old Mavic G40 rim, spraypainting it black and countersinking the holes to get that machined look. Shaved 30 grams off the weight of the rim. Question is though, would you still ride it? Not sure if I should.. Thinking of building it with non drive side radial if one of the old wheels I have has the correct spoke length.
This is what I've been doing yesterday, drilling 64 holes in an old Mavic G40 rim, spraypainting it black and countersinking the holes to get that machined look. Shaved 30 grams off the weight of the rim. Question is though, would you still ride it? Not sure if I should.. Thinking of building it with non drive side radial if one of the old wheels I have has the correct spoke length.