Porridge has to be one of the cheapest breakfasts around, and you can't say you don't like it because you flavour it with whatever you do like.
I add cinnamon, sultanas/blueberries, and a sprinkle of sugar over the top!
Oh and +1 for porridge, mmmmmm.
I'm all over porridge, I don't cook it though, I have it with milk and sugar just like cornflakes, the milk takes on a lovely sweet chalkiness. Got it from me dad. I also crush cornflakes before eating them.
Ever heard of muesli? Thats just uncooked oats & milk.
I like it in summer, but in winter porridge or more specifically readybrek (milled oats) are king.
needing to drop some weight weight , so going back to my routine of big healthy breakie , light lunch and light dinner, i found that a big dinner would make me feel lazy the next day, also what Dogs said walking is good.
porridge for the win in winter Dorset Cereals in the summer
snap, £2 a box in Waitrose at mo darlings.
porridge, sultanas, soy milk, jam,
Ive been 10 stone 10 for the last 20 years. thats all.
snap, £2 a box in Waitrose at mo darlings.
porridge, sultanas, soy milk, jam,
Ive been 10 stone 10 for the last 20 years. thats all.