Romantic trips to Nandos must all end in disaster, surely? Also, alluding to one's particulars and peri-peri sauce in the same breath doesn't really raise my sexual ardor.
Incidentally Pizza Express is the restaurant most people break-up in. Something to do with it being cheap enough that you don't feel you've wasted your money, but not so cheap that it would make the situation even more unbearable. It's something you never see in their advertising.
Damned post-ironic ad wankers. I've got nothing against them personally – one of my friends is an ad wanker – I just want them all to be put on a raft and sent out into the Atlantic current.
Romantic trips to Nandos must all end in disaster, surely? Also, alluding to one's particulars and peri-peri sauce in the same breath doesn't really raise my sexual ardor.
Incidentally Pizza Express is the restaurant most people break-up in. Something to do with it being cheap enough that you don't feel you've wasted your money, but not so cheap that it would make the situation even more unbearable. It's something you never see in their advertising.
Damned post-ironic ad wankers. I've got nothing against them personally – one of my friends is an ad wanker – I just want them all to be put on a raft and sent out into the Atlantic current.