so a repeat of the t-shirt stall at the nocturne then
Kinda, but different.
The Nocturne worked, it flogged enough shirts to cover all costs, produce a small profit... and give me some of my front room back.
The Cycle Show won't give me cash for the outlay, but the difference between scraping through constantly and the forum having a profit is the sponsorship/adverts. I've already said we'll do an advert slot that rotates and shares the 4+ million page views... running a dual-economy to keep it dirt cheap for cottage industries within the community and market rate for people outside the community. The Cycle Show payback is in giving enough advertisers awareness of how big this place is that a few of those market rate slots are sold (priority to the cottages though)... that means profit comes back in to pay for this over the 3 subsequent months.
We can't sell shirts directly from the stall as they have a rule on that stuff. Can't sell beer either... not certain about giving it away, possibly I'll have to look into it.
I don't think it's much of a gamble for me to cover this, and I've covered the forum to this degree before but earlier this year that finally got settled up with the SJS stuff, so at the moment the forum is flush, I'm not out of pocket, all things are good and I think this will be a blast.
At the very least, for those of you attending you have a place to come hang out.
Kinda, but different.
The Nocturne worked, it flogged enough shirts to cover all costs, produce a small profit... and give me some of my front room back.
The Cycle Show won't give me cash for the outlay, but the difference between scraping through constantly and the forum having a profit is the sponsorship/adverts. I've already said we'll do an advert slot that rotates and shares the 4+ million page views... running a dual-economy to keep it dirt cheap for cottage industries within the community and market rate for people outside the community. The Cycle Show payback is in giving enough advertisers awareness of how big this place is that a few of those market rate slots are sold (priority to the cottages though)... that means profit comes back in to pay for this over the 3 subsequent months.
We can't sell shirts directly from the stall as they have a rule on that stuff. Can't sell beer either... not certain about giving it away, possibly I'll have to look into it.
I don't think it's much of a gamble for me to cover this, and I've covered the forum to this degree before but earlier this year that finally got settled up with the SJS stuff, so at the moment the forum is flush, I'm not out of pocket, all things are good and I think this will be a blast.
At the very least, for those of you attending you have a place to come hang out.