And really more to my point, why can't fat loss involve eating normal foods and doing exercise? Why does it always seem to involve magic potions and wonder drugs.
My foremost opinion is no one should arbitarily try to "lose weight". Like you I think people should get fitter, stronger and improve nutrition to improve body composition and appearance. This is the sustainable option that will make a person healthy and happy in the long run. It also usually means gaining weight, for people who thought they had to lose some.
But people in this thread seemed reluctant to accept that idea. I was merely providing suggestions on how to get the "dieting" method to work for somebody who is already "not fat". To do it requires cumulative gains just like Team GB cycling are fond of. If green tea will help fat burning by even 5% , that is substantial and not to be mocked.
Nhatt has explained that she is already on a very limited diet yet has not achieved the fat loss she is seeking. So clearly the calorie deficit is not great enough. She has to either increase energy output or reduce calorie consumption. She already seems to be a very active person. As her diet is already limited, being more careful about food choices is probably the best option. This doesnt necessarily mean eating less, just eating wiser.
That hypothetical banana contains 30g of Carbs. The same amount as a whole tin of chick peas. Which is more filling? Which contains essential amino acids?
My foremost opinion is no one should arbitarily try to "lose weight". Like you I think people should get fitter, stronger and improve nutrition to improve body composition and appearance. This is the sustainable option that will make a person healthy and happy in the long run. It also usually means gaining weight, for people who thought they had to lose some.
But people in this thread seemed reluctant to accept that idea. I was merely providing suggestions on how to get the "dieting" method to work for somebody who is already "not fat". To do it requires cumulative gains just like Team GB cycling are fond of. If green tea will help fat burning by even 5% , that is substantial and not to be mocked.
Nhatt has explained that she is already on a very limited diet yet has not achieved the fat loss she is seeking. So clearly the calorie deficit is not great enough. She has to either increase energy output or reduce calorie consumption. She already seems to be a very active person. As her diet is already limited, being more careful about food choices is probably the best option. This doesnt necessarily mean eating less, just eating wiser.
That hypothetical banana contains 30g of Carbs. The same amount as a whole tin of chick peas. Which is more filling? Which contains essential amino acids?