ha! i don't mind silly contractions (are these related to tender submissions?) like that so much as the insult-awkwardly-punned-into-someone's-name thing... balki and neu have the idea.
actually chillax is annoying too isn't it? there's a guy here at my work who calls gatwick airport "gatport". that makes me seethe. JUST SAY "GATWICK" YOU COCK!
i do however like the perverse logic that makes old american guys drawl "double you double you two" instead of "world war two".
if we really wanted to be efficient we should to as stephen fry suggested and pronounce it:
"wuh wuh two".
as in "wuh wuh wuh dot el eff gee ess ess dot com".
ha! i don't mind silly contractions (are these related to tender submissions?) like that so much as the insult-awkwardly-punned-into-someone's-name thing... balki and neu have the idea.
actually chillax is annoying too isn't it? there's a guy here at my work who calls gatwick airport "gatport". that makes me seethe. JUST SAY "GATWICK" YOU COCK!
i do however like the perverse logic that makes old american guys drawl "double you double you two" instead of "world war two".
if we really wanted to be efficient we should to as stephen fry suggested and pronounce it:
"wuh wuh two".
as in "wuh wuh wuh dot el eff gee ess ess dot com".