*This ability to apply Quantum Physics to a body, Quantum Physics vibration is produced through my heart, and exits via my voice.
Therefore, any product containing my real heartbeat, and voice will be the reason a clients body becomes pliable and responsive, actually changing physically prior to your touch. After 15 minutes lying by themselves, either listening to the CD supplied, or by the more powerful DVD, your client's body is now ready to apply your own magic.**
You have shocked and stunned me today, of what you have heard about Quantum.
** Quantum is the zone (space) area that Einstein could not reach, but knew it was there.** Lee it is the doorway to heaven.
**How on the earth you heard that the doorway to heaven causes Aids, who ever told you that was not spiritual.
I| am sorry dear heart, you scare me at your spirituality to life, you may take this as an insult. I know you think your heart is in the right place . Re: Discs CANNOT be copied, this is pirating and is actually it is theft. The Quantum vibration gets swiped so there value is gone.[!!!]
I am in the position to sue anyone who copies or pirates my work
Even on the scale of bullshit that I've seen, this is really, really high up.
The comparison with ancient sophism is always really interesting. If we believe Plato, the person of the sophist was always absolutely key to their teachings. Sophists were often excellent, charismatic orators, but he of course contended that without them, their teachings were nothing. She sets herself up very similarly when making the claims about her voice and 'heartbeat', although of course with stuff that's far less persuasive in daylight even than claims made by ancient sophists. Many of these 'healers' seem to operate in a very similar fashion (I've encountered this in many of them now)--charismatic deception, and of course mostly of vulnerable people like those whom tynan tends to impersonate.
The refutation of Protagoras in the Theaetetus is particularly well worth reading in this regard. It isn't that easy to understand but an unsurpassed paradigm case of refutation.
My favourite bits:
Even on the scale of bullshit that I've seen, this is really, really high up.
The comparison with ancient sophism is always really interesting. If we believe Plato, the person of the sophist was always absolutely key to their teachings. Sophists were often excellent, charismatic orators, but he of course contended that without them, their teachings were nothing. She sets herself up very similarly when making the claims about her voice and 'heartbeat', although of course with stuff that's far less persuasive in daylight even than claims made by ancient sophists. Many of these 'healers' seem to operate in a very similar fashion (I've encountered this in many of them now)--charismatic deception, and of course mostly of vulnerable people like those whom tynan tends to impersonate.
The refutation of Protagoras in the Theaetetus is particularly well worth reading in this regard. It isn't that easy to understand but an unsurpassed paradigm case of refutation.
Absolutely disgusting. £875 for useless crap.