yesterday speaking with Felix, he told that he will be interested to play the next league.
people, Felix is a good player, this last two days he has benn playing really well
some one should sign him up quick
I think him and John H spoke about a beginners team. They both have great potential IMO.
Might be a couple of those if the league is divided this time round.
Yeah, Venn, Felix and I played together on a team at the beginners session last week, and it worked really well. The big problem is that Venn and I are both Easties, and Felix is deep West, which will make training a bit of a problem. Also Felix said he might have someone else he wants to play with and 2+2 != 3. But we will see, I would certainly love that as a team.
Yeah, Venn, Felix and I played together on a team at the beginners session last week, and it worked really well. The big problem is that Venn and I are both Easties, and Felix is deep West, which will make training a bit of a problem. Also Felix said he might have someone else he wants to play with and 2+2 != 3. But we will see, I would certainly love that as a team.
Also, Wicksie, cheers ;)