There are soe things that exist solely because they need to exist in order to allow people to talk about their existence.
Battersea Power Station is a fine example. It has sat by the river unused for decades. No one has done anything with it nor has anyone sought to demolish it. It just sits there seemingly fulfilling no purpose. Every six months - in a cyclical manner - The Evening Standard or some other London-centric medium, produces a piece about new plans for obselete building. The plans will never come to fruition; there have been so many before that have come to nothing that it is unimaginable that any new ones ever will. The existence of the power station is justified, however, in and by these regular spurts of speculation.
Helmet debates will never answer any question. The proof is probably in the pudding. If you crash and smash your head in a way that might have been prevented if you had been wearing a helmet, then you would be entitled to assume that on that occasion a helmet would have beena good idea. Other than that, all is speculation. Helmets do, however, provide a regularly recurring topic of heated debate. Helmet debates bring out passion and for that reason they exist.
VeeVee may have a point here.
There are soe things that exist solely because they need to exist in order to allow people to talk about their existence.
Battersea Power Station is a fine example. It has sat by the river unused for decades. No one has done anything with it nor has anyone sought to demolish it. It just sits there seemingly fulfilling no purpose. Every six months - in a cyclical manner - The Evening Standard or some other London-centric medium, produces a piece about new plans for obselete building. The plans will never come to fruition; there have been so many before that have come to nothing that it is unimaginable that any new ones ever will. The existence of the power station is justified, however, in and by these regular spurts of speculation.
Helmet debates will never answer any question. The proof is probably in the pudding. If you crash and smash your head in a way that might have been prevented if you had been wearing a helmet, then you would be entitled to assume that on that occasion a helmet would have beena good idea. Other than that, all is speculation. Helmets do, however, provide a regularly recurring topic of heated debate. Helmet debates bring out passion and for that reason they exist.