• Mebe I'm due a couple of days off.

    Trial run of new bike occurred yesterday evening, having collected it from my sainted father in Tunbridge wells. I initially figured on riding to Sevenoaks, before boarding a train back to the smoke; though by the time I hit my destination an adrenalin leak had forced a change of plan. The better option *obviously *be to rattle all the way back home.

    It was a surreal ride, featuring a Kentish puncture that would have scuppered me had it not been for a chance encounter with a pub full of mountain bikers, a prolonged stretch of darkness through countryside with only a commuter light for company, and a genuinely thrilling last leg into an empty London. I arrived home late, my girlfriend having let herself in (and fallen asleep) some time before.

    You'll prolly not find me at Regent's Park this evening, but by the look of this thread you'll not find anyone else, either.
