This is a meaningless sentence. Whay are you trying to say? That people who use massive vans for nefarious purposes other than business shouldn't be made to make their engines burn cleanly?
But its not just vans its commercial vehicles...example is the p100 pick up that is based on the sierra. Same engines too, but in the p100 its LEZ fee has to be paid but on the sierra it doesn't. The LEZ is active 24/7, and the inclusiv vehicles are growing such as motorhomes and larger vans.
But its not just vans its commercial vehicles...example is the p100 pick up that is based on the sierra. Same engines too, but in the p100 its LEZ fee has to be paid but on the sierra it doesn't. The LEZ is active 24/7, and the inclusiv vehicles are growing such as motorhomes and larger vans.