Geared and shiny. Having spent portions of the last few weeks dotting around the South East, investigating bikes, exposing my lack of knowledge, and being patronised, I finally decided upon what I'd tried last Friday: An Enigma Effusion.
It felt pretty bloody smart, so much so that I was reluctant to return it to the showroom ("How long should a test ride be?"). It's not super racey (it is *slightly *racey), but it's lovely and smooth, which offers useful reassurance to it's neurotic rider.
Figured I'd get a bike to suit my current enthusiasm. Can't f'ing wait.
Geared and shiny. Having spent portions of the last few weeks dotting around the South East, investigating bikes, exposing my lack of knowledge, and being patronised, I finally decided upon what I'd tried last Friday: An Enigma Effusion.
It felt pretty bloody smart, so much so that I was reluctant to return it to the showroom ("How long should a test ride be?"). It's not super racey (it is *slightly *racey), but it's lovely and smooth, which offers useful reassurance to it's neurotic rider.
Figured I'd get a bike to suit my current enthusiasm. Can't f'ing wait.