Your big fat clumsy Aussie fingers would fumble nicking a manhole cover, never mind twenty pee!
I heard they had to make special keyboards for you at work - using cobbles for keys.
And you still keep wearing out the 'delete' key.
And you wouldn't know what a quid looks like, no matter how long you've been in blighty.
They've been paying you in buttons all this time, hippy.
It's a conspiracy - pay Aussies in buttons, giggle behind their backs as they try pay for Billabong burgers in buttons!
I don't want buttons, my friend.
I want a sweet twenty pee.
Right in the top of a fibreglass Guide Dogs for the Blind labrador.
Black, not blonde.
I'm no racialist.
Don't make me laugh.
Your big fat clumsy Aussie fingers would fumble nicking a manhole cover, never mind twenty pee!
I heard they had to make special keyboards for you at work - using cobbles for keys.
And you still keep wearing out the 'delete' key.
And you wouldn't know what a quid looks like, no matter how long you've been in blighty.
They've been paying you in buttons all this time, hippy.
It's a conspiracy - pay Aussies in buttons, giggle behind their backs as they try pay for Billabong burgers in buttons!
I don't want buttons, my friend.
I want a sweet twenty pee.
Right in the top of a fibreglass Guide Dogs for the Blind labrador.
Black, not blonde.
I'm no racialist.