"Schools are only responsible for safety on the school journey where they have specifically arranged transport."
At work we have a scanned copy of a letter from the DfT in 1999 (still valid today) that states the school is not liable for the journey to and from the premises if the child (and parents) choose for them to cycle in.
Without this letter it can be very tricky to encourage some risk averse schools to even consider allowing children to bring their bikes onto the site (for fear of being liable if an accident occured whilst riding to or from school).
Edited - Almost Bang on. It's nearly impossible to find the section on the govts transport or education website that mentions this though - http://www.teachernet.gov.uk/management/atoz/h/hometoschooltravel/
"Schools are only responsible for safety on the school journey where they have specifically arranged transport."
At work we have a scanned copy of a letter from the DfT in 1999 (still valid today) that states the school is not liable for the journey to and from the premises if the child (and parents) choose for them to cycle in.
Without this letter it can be very tricky to encourage some risk averse schools to even consider allowing children to bring their bikes onto the site (for fear of being liable if an accident occured whilst riding to or from school).