If any of you decide to wax your ass, then you must exfoliate and moisturise wherever you have taken the hair off.
If you don't you will get ingrowing hairs and infected follicles, I know dancers that wax/I wax and the only way to avoid having a car c-rash for a chest is to exfoliate and moisturise every day until they have started to grow back properly.
It can mean they grow back less strong as you weaken the root/follicle so they are easier to pull out next time (if there is one).
Be warned, if you do wax remember mens body hair has really strong roots, and will hurt like fuckery and bleed a lot when its depilated. I have waxed loads of boys chests and they can get really messy, it's not for the faint hearted if the roots are strong then it's a huge dose of htfu...though the results are good when it's done well.
Even if you shave you should still exfoliate and moisturise...
If any of you decide to wax your ass, then you must exfoliate and moisturise wherever you have taken the hair off.
If you don't you will get ingrowing hairs and infected follicles, I know dancers that wax/I wax and the only way to avoid having a car c-rash for a chest is to exfoliate and moisturise every day until they have started to grow back properly.
It can mean they grow back less strong as you weaken the root/follicle so they are easier to pull out next time (if there is one).
Be warned, if you do wax remember mens body hair has really strong roots, and will hurt like fuckery and bleed a lot when its depilated. I have waxed loads of boys chests and they can get really messy, it's not for the faint hearted if the roots are strong then it's a huge dose of htfu...though the results are good when it's done well.
Even if you shave you should still exfoliate and moisturise...