Basically Jemjah, you have displayed what has been said here already. Eat less = weigh less.
People go to gyms to gain weight. Even those misguided souls who want to "tone" really want to build some firm muscles on their bellies or bottoms. This means weight gain in the form of muscle.
Going to the gym purely to lose weight, is not that effective, as you have found out.
British Military fitness is a fucking rip off. The military has some of the most backwards & innefficient training methods you are likely to find. Why does that attract people? Because you want to be yelled at/feel abused/feel pain? I know a good place in soho for that.
They dont even do that properly, plus they use public parks as venues so they dont even have overheads.
If somebody wants high quality "better than british military fitness" training & coaching from me. Ill do it 1 on 1 for the same price/free and guarantee superior results. This will sell very poorly as I am not an outstanding example of fitness, being born with shoddy genetics and having accumalted several injuries (not through training).
Basically Jemjah, you have displayed what has been said here already. Eat less = weigh less.
People go to gyms to gain weight. Even those misguided souls who want to "tone" really want to build some firm muscles on their bellies or bottoms. This means weight gain in the form of muscle.
Going to the gym purely to lose weight, is not that effective, as you have found out.
British Military fitness is a fucking rip off. The military has some of the most backwards & innefficient training methods you are likely to find. Why does that attract people? Because you want to be yelled at/feel abused/feel pain? I know a good place in soho for that.
They dont even do that properly, plus they use public parks as venues so they dont even have overheads.
If somebody wants high quality "better than british military fitness" training & coaching from me. Ill do it 1 on 1 for the same price/free and guarantee superior results. This will sell very poorly as I am not an outstanding example of fitness, being born with shoddy genetics and having accumalted several injuries (not through training).