• #77
Brilliant news !!
• #78
Who the fuck steals cats???
• #79
• #80
Who the fuck steals cats???
Cat burglars?
Good news BTW....
• #81
good news Bill
• #82
Who the fuck steals cats???
I can understand someone nicking a pedigree - but Oscar is not. Both his parents are pedigree, but one is Bengal, the other Burmese. He's also neutered.
Also, stealing a cat off the street? I don't see how it's possible, especially not Oscar. The Bengal in him makes him a very formidable and aggressive fighter.
Breaking in to someone's house is more plausible - you can corner the cat and trap it.
And also why steal a non-pedigree when the cat shelters are full to over-flowing?
• #83
must have been your missus I spoke to a week or so ago? green jacket?
I really did look around for it where I work next to the canal. but he's back anyhow? good news.
Riding a white Merckx fixie? Thanks very much for keeping your eyes out. It was the only thing that kept us going, knowing that so many people were looking for him.
• #84
Excellent news Bill; I was a bit worried there.
• #85
The school is less than 500 metres from us.
He's young, very healthy (raw diet) and very fit. I have a feeling he got spooked, ran off and then got lost and couldn't find his way home.
I was wondering this. So many cats are targeted by city dwelling foxes, that I imagined your cat either was chased by a dog, a bigger cat, or a fox, and found refuge in the school.
Really happy it turned out well. Though I am yet to understand a person's affections to a cat. Its beyond me I'm afraid. I've never had a dog go missing, unless it was in heat, and then it always found its way home.
Is there a breed of cat that will not rip every sofa to shreds? I want that one. (in the voice of Little Britain).
• #86
Cats run off and live with other people the whole time - They're fickle little fuckers.
True! My cat Smokey when I was little ran off to live with someone else - he'd fallen in love with another cat!
• #87
So many cats are targeted by city dwelling foxes
I hear this, but round where we are, there is so much food lying around. All the estates have communal rubbish skips, which the foxes get into without any trouble. Virtually every estate round here seems to have a little old lady who puts food out for the cats, some of which must end up in the foxes' stomachs. So I doubt that they are going to eat cats for food.
Maybe in wheelie-bin land, there are foxes hungry enough to risk taking on a cat... but even so, the average fox is not much bigger than a fully grown cat...
• #88
Fantastic news, I've done a really big smile
I bet you were really, really glad to see him.
• #89
• #90
• #91
• #92
Marvelous news. Have a safe journey home and a great evening when you get there.
• #93
your cat has an epic set of ears! v.glad you've been reunited
• #94
Who steals a fecking cat????
Glad he worked his way back to you.
• #95
I am so glad. I didn't want to post here because I freaked when my Georges went AWOL.
• #96
Brilliant result! Is he a bengal?
• #97
He's a snow bengal burmese cross. You can't see in the pics, but he has bengal spots on his belly & massive paws like a bengal
His temperament is a mix of burmese and bengal, so he's very friendly (mostly!), but very playful to the point of being a pain when he hasn't been played with for an hour every day. He also loves to climb, just like a bengal, but he's not quite as mental as some bengals.
• #98
He's a courier-controller cross. You can't see in the pics, but he has spots on his beard & massive hands
His temperament is a mix of Stalin and Marje Proops, so he's very friendly (mostly!), but very 'assertive' to the point of being a pain when he hasn't bollocked anyone for an hour every day. He also loves to drink, just like a courier, but he's not quite as mental as some people in Broadmoor.
• #99
Great stuff, time for kitty treats.
• #100
Bill I just found the LOST CAT poster for your kitty in my download folder when clearing it out and the resultant spewing of awwws and kitties and I wanna pet him! and I just wanna love him up! made Aram decide I need therapy, or a cat, or both. I'm so glad he got back to you guys!
from the sound of it i live up the road from you and tbh i thought the cat would probably have been stolen too! when i was kid our family cat (siamese) got nicked in bermondsey