Oh, so its just a case of you, who is afiliated with the said buisness, are just simply using your power to protect your and your associates interests.
I'm not sure of the name for that off hand, but I think there are lots of holywood films about it being an evil thing. Its also often the motive for murder in TV dramas.
Sarcasm aside, pretty much everything I seem to type on here is met with hostility or threat. I also work for a buisness thats been repeatedly attacked by this place for years. I find what you've done here pathetic and wrong.
But then I'm just that stupid hipster that works in that fucking stupid shop that should just shut the fuck up and piss off. So I wouldn't worry yourself about what I think, because you are right, somethings are bigger than principles. Ooops, slipped in to sarcasm again. Sorry.
I was going to tell you to stop being so pompous; till I read the second half of your post. Now I am going to tell you to stop being so pompous and self-pitying.
Foffa seems to have done everything he can to rectify the problems he had; in other words he listened to and responded to his critics. What good are your principles if they just lead to a new bike shop having a needlessly hard time?
I was going to tell you to stop being so pompous; till I read the second half of your post. Now I am going to tell you to stop being so pompous and self-pitying.
Foffa seems to have done everything he can to rectify the problems he had; in other words he listened to and responded to his critics. What good are your principles if they just lead to a new bike shop having a needlessly hard time?