@Marlowwheels: I guess if you have road and tt bikes already then you know what you like. When I was looking I was considering an alu track frame but ended up with 853 super-awesome steel. It has a more attractive personality but I couldn't tell you about the ride quality. I wonder why you don't want to go PX? Too common? Too breakable? Too factory?
I kind of think that on the track kit is a lot less of a variable to your performance than on the road, apart (maybe) from stiffness. But talking about your kit is conversely more important down the track. So, probably, anything you get will be fine, as long as you are happy with it & it fits. A quick scan of the Herne Hill Track league shows no correlation between bike material & league standings.
BC or cycling weekly classifieds seem to be a good bet - or the noticeboards at the track.
@Marlowwheels: I guess if you have road and tt bikes already then you know what you like. When I was looking I was considering an alu track frame but ended up with 853 super-awesome steel. It has a more attractive personality but I couldn't tell you about the ride quality. I wonder why you don't want to go PX? Too common? Too breakable? Too factory?
I kind of think that on the track kit is a lot less of a variable to your performance than on the road, apart (maybe) from stiffness. But talking about your kit is conversely more important down the track. So, probably, anything you get will be fine, as long as you are happy with it & it fits. A quick scan of the Herne Hill Track league shows no correlation between bike material & league standings.
BC or cycling weekly classifieds seem to be a good bet - or the noticeboards at the track.