Well done david, I like the idea of silencing the classified adds if required a lot. I'm not good at adjusting to new things, keep losing the bikes and bits and classifieds sections at the bottom of the page (just me being retarded). The UKFGSS section breaks the page up, maybe shunt it to the top/ bottom?
Now that SJS are no longer affiliated to the site, can we have the old banners back?
Well done david, I like the idea of silencing the classified adds if required a lot. I'm not good at adjusting to new things, keep losing the bikes and bits and classifieds sections at the bottom of the page (just me being retarded). The UKFGSS section breaks the page up, maybe shunt it to the top/ bottom?
Now that SJS are no longer affiliated to the site, can we have the old banners back?
You continue to do a great job VB, thanks!