• Cheers, chaps. I did wonder if I was being a bit of a wuss and I should accept it's all part of the rough and tumble of London traffic (even though I laid down some fairly solid skid marks when the driver cut me up).

    I bought my action cam from this guy: eBay

    There's quite a long thread on bike radar's MTB forum about this and the eBay seller seems reliable - mine certainly got delivered pretty quickly (though the instructions are not the best).

    Without a video of the incident, it would just be another one to chalk down to experience: my word against the driver's, no way of taking it any further. The video evidence is pretty hard to refute but I'm still quite impressed by the speed at which National Express responded - I'd only suggested that they have a quick chat to the driver to explain what would happen when 20 tons of coach hit 80kg of flesh and blood. If drivers realised there was an ever increasing chance that their moments of madness could be played back to them, they might drive less aggressively.
