I've got one of those cheap action cams from eBay - £12 delivered from HK plus another few quid for an 8GB micro SD card - strapped to my handlebars with a Twofish Lockblock.
Wednesday night, at Bricklayer's Arms roundabout, I had a little scare from a National Express coach [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x634t-obiws"]YouTube-
Dangerous driving by a National Express coach driver[/ame] and I emailed a link of the footage to the Met and to National Express. So far, I've got [edited at request of Met Police]. I felt a little bad at first about that but the guy who called me said it wasn't the first complaint about this driver, and my wife's eyes widened when she saw the clip and pointed out that it could have been the Met knocking on her door with some really bad news. You know, I don't feel so bad after all.
the one I posted on youtube was compressed which screwed the quality but shrank it from 83MB to 2MB. The .mov is much better quality than the .mp4
I've got one of those cheap action cams from eBay - £12 delivered from HK plus another few quid for an 8GB micro SD card - strapped to my handlebars with a Twofish Lockblock.
Wednesday night, at Bricklayer's Arms roundabout, I had a little scare from a National Express coach [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x634t-obiws"]YouTube-
Dangerous driving by a National Express coach driver[/ame] and I emailed a link of the footage to the Met and to National Express. So far, I've got [edited at request of Met Police]. I felt a little bad at first about that but the guy who called me said it wasn't the first complaint about this driver, and my wife's eyes widened when she saw the clip and pointed out that it could have been the Met knocking on her door with some really bad news. You know, I don't feel so bad after all.