• #26427
full brakless flat-pedal Darwin.
• #26428
Swivel :D
• #26429
Neg repped...
• #26430
Neg repped...
• #26431
Don't think I've been through the Kingsway tunnel but I use the Piccadilly underpass a lot and love it to bits.
When I lived in Hammersmith that was the best bit of the journey in to work. Not hard, really, when you think of the rest of it, but nonetheless genuinely fun to let rip after a really bitty trafficky journey.
• #26432
Yeah it's awesome. One of my favourite things about riding through there is racing people in the tunnel. Nothing better than spinning literally as fast as you can through the descent then getting to the incline, coming out of the saddle, into the drops and keeping ahead of a strong rider on a road bike.
• #26433
is attempting the kingsway tunnel at 9 AM a death trap/rediculous idea? I go that way most days and HATE that junction!
• #26434
• #26435
Hyde Park Corner underpass is brill, don't get the chance to use it anymore since I moved south...
• #26436
Is it called the HPC underpass or Picadilly underpass? We are talking about the same thing...
• #26437
Hyde Park Corner innit.
• #26438
Whatever it's called it is fucking fun to ride through.
• #26439
who was the braklesfixieskidda on the yellow look going down tanner street at about 7 when I was smerkin a gasper?
• #26440
Does that look have a straight fork?
• #26441
Spotted - A policeman on every single f*cking street, all the way from Deptford to Elephant.
And a modern Black Maria at every major junction.I stopped and asked a buxom lady plod what was occuring.
Millwall....she said. Premiership....she said.
I'm still shaking. ;)
• #26442
^ vs huddersfield
• #26443
buxom lady plod
• #26444
spotted: digger on atlantic road by psy and myself. we were in the lounge ordering off the children's menu.
• #26445
^ vs huddersfield
Sorry me old Fokker Bi-plane, but I was simply quoting the elegant lass.
• #26446
it aint premiership. Its playffs for the championship. Were already up (leeds) , the Millwall and Huddersfield lads will have a delightful meeting with each other i'm sure!
• #26447
who was the braklesfixieskidda on the yellow look going down tanner street at about 7 when I was smerkin a gasper?
Balki? He's got a brake tho'...
• #26448
Not the fella that bought Pistoffski's Look, either... AFAIK he's not in London...
• #26449
god i am getting tired of all these acronyms.. in my honest opinion, acronyms should be limited to replace phrases of no more than 3 words.
for instance: omg and lol are perfectly acceptable.
iswydt is just silly and confusing. -
• #26450
You and me both.
But according to the Google of the World, the result it bestow upon me that AFAIK mean "As Far As I Know".
Meh... I'm in the mood for hating and neg repping... Crispy, neg repped...