Ye good Jay. Still skating. I thought you were working at The Crispin in Stourbridge? What you up to now? Living in Brum?
Sorry to clog the thread everyone else!
cool man. living in selly oak, well good as theres loads of places to paint round here and all my friends live here too.. i left the crispin to live in selly, couldnt stand it there no more, its closer to uni too... trying to start a design company at the moment..just finished the website..good hearing from you bro. maybe see you on a ride sometime mate..
cool man. living in selly oak, well good as theres loads of places to paint round here and all my friends live here too.. i left the crispin to live in selly, couldnt stand it there no more, its closer to uni too... trying to start a design company at the moment..just finished the website..good hearing from you bro. maybe see you on a ride sometime mate..