St. Vitus are awesome! Wino is a god to me. All his segments in Such Hawks are ludicrously funny. He grows chillies now, as well as playing in Shrinebuilder.
Good shout on Baroness though. I saw them live and they slayed it. However, no-one in the audience fucking moved, it was a real shame. Loads of gnar bastards with facial tattoos and beards, but they were too busy clutching on to their scene girlfriends to do much apart from nod along to the final boss riffage Baroness were kicking out. Real shame.
I saw Russian Circles in the same place, but I'd taken too much valium and smoked too much pot so I couldn't move. They ruled though, it was them and Earthless and they took me to fucking space.
Does anyone like Black Pyramid? keeps recommending them to me but I've not been bothered to listen to 'em yet?
Also, not really heavy metal, more like bastard rock, but I've been getting really into Zeke recently. Fast, tight nasty rock and roll from a bunch of hellions who are really really into motorbikes.
St. Vitus are awesome! Wino is a god to me. All his segments in Such Hawks are ludicrously funny. He grows chillies now, as well as playing in Shrinebuilder.
Good shout on Baroness though. I saw them live and they slayed it. However, no-one in the audience fucking moved, it was a real shame. Loads of gnar bastards with facial tattoos and beards, but they were too busy clutching on to their scene girlfriends to do much apart from nod along to the final boss riffage Baroness were kicking out. Real shame.
I saw Russian Circles in the same place, but I'd taken too much valium and smoked too much pot so I couldn't move. They ruled though, it was them and Earthless and they took me to fucking space.
Does anyone like Black Pyramid? keeps recommending them to me but I've not been bothered to listen to 'em yet?
Also, not really heavy metal, more like bastard rock, but I've been getting really into Zeke recently. Fast, tight nasty rock and roll from a bunch of hellions who are really really into motorbikes.
YouTube- ZEKE - Viva Agostini!
(also, probably the wrong place to mention it, but I'm really into screamo. Anyone else?)