I was using track drops on my Pinarello, because I had them and they looked good.
I swapped them for proper road bars...
i find riding in track drops absolutely uncomfortable, if i ever put them on my bike, it would only be for the looks. Same goes for Cinelli Criterium, even though they're wider, still same curve would not allow me to hold on to them properly when sprinting/going uphill. And drops themselves are way too low.
Of course, all of this is true only for road riding, as i only come near track when i need to buy some equipment :))
i find riding in track drops absolutely uncomfortable, if i ever put them on my bike, it would only be for the looks. Same goes for Cinelli Criterium, even though they're wider, still same curve would not allow me to hold on to them properly when sprinting/going uphill. And drops themselves are way too low.
Of course, all of this is true only for road riding, as i only come near track when i need to buy some equipment :))