• #2
he's out cottaging at the mo, i'm sure he'll be touched.
• #3
ha hahahaha i proper LOL'd just ^ there
• #4
he's out cottaging at the mo, i'm sure he'll be touched.
...not by either of us. We are sad late night forumers.
• #5
fuck off you arse kissing cunt
Sorry, that was the best I could do, I'm sure he'll be along shortly
• #6
Another DJ thread!
• #7
whats with your avatar Mike, why isn't it Rafas smiling face?
• #8
please remove this bit
and have a good old barny
as i find it offensive and a sleight on my orientation, especially added to this...
he's out cottaging at the mo, i'm sure he'll be touched.
thank you.
• #9
you never see james and chris in the same room. that's all i'm saying.
• #10
whats with your avatar Mike, why isn't it Rafas smiling face?
Thats my cat, poo-foot, with some quarry. Got bored of the old one
• #11
fuck off you arse kissing cunt
...ok. 'zit alright if i still lurk around a bit?
Understand that this reads as a huge bit of brown nosing. I've never met the guy, but I don't think I'm alone in (a) reading and not posting, (b) finding LFGSS a bit intimidating (this is part of its charm), and (c) finding the regular posters very entertaining reading. There I go again, being a fucking suck-up. I'll get my coat.
• #12
I like people who can write.
ChrisL can write.
You saved up everything you wanted to say, and said it at once.
Very, very beautiful.
You did one big, satisfying crap, where the rest of us spit and spat with uncomfortable verbal diarrhoea.
Good man.
James is a friend, and a good person.
Even his friends sometimes criticise his peculiar brand of vitriol.
I don't defend him as much as I should, but I will here.
He's such a top bloke, he's opened his home to me and my family.
He is amiable, generous, and potty mouthed.
I understand people going on about his sometimes overly aggressive manner with noobs, car drivers, van drivers, pedestrians, singlespeeders, christians, jews, gingers, blondes, the deaf, women, men, horses, tarmac, Object, the French and Northeners, but I still respect him massively - not at all from his forum presence (which although fun, does him no real justice) but from the bloke I met, and had the great privilege of spendings high quality 48 hours with.
I have friends.
But after that time, he is one of my best friends.Well done, ChrisL.
You spotted quality within a shit storm. -
• #13
you never see james and chris in the same room. that's all i'm saying.
I had similar thoughts...
• #14
Dancing James can fuck off.
WAC, etc, etc....
more quasi sarcastic failed humor.... -
• #15
I like DJ. He was the first person to say hello. And always has a hug for me.
But I'm odd, so this post doesnt count.
• #16
Self depreciation will get you nowhere lileth
• #17
more cleverness stuffs from GL.
• #19
I agree.
With ChrisL.
But I like the picture. -
• #20
• #21
Thread ends, blah blah. I lolzd at the above photo, and used to wave at DJ on Chiswick High Road.
Do I get a badge?
Trying to get post count up a bit. -
• #22
OP smacks of someone who enjoys rubber-necking at car crashes
James is a lovely bloke with a big heart
recently that side of him was very effectively masked by some of the bile and general cuntishness that became his forum persona.
A lot of people who pulled him up on this are people who socialise with him and know him outside the forum and consider him a friend - if your mate was acting like a twat wouldn't you tell him to ease up out of concern?
As Luci said - DJ has a big heart and it's a shame if people don't approach him because of some of the false bravado he's seen to post
secondly, DJ [as have many of us] have found a place that's provided us with some great mates, fellow riders and drinkers regardless of his social quirks -
I felt that DJ was slamming a door in the face of a lot of new people with very little cause, the very door that was opened to him, and I called him out on it because I believed it had grown from merely a boisterous form of self expression into bullying
I suggest that if you're not getting your fill of vicarious thrills that you entertain yourself awhile on youtube with clips of old ladies getting drunk and falling over
• #23
Got a link? Drunk grannies rule..
• #24
big daddy wayne
Good point, well said.
But if you have an issue with a close, personal friend, take it up with him close and personal.
Give the fucker a phone call.
I don't like that a lot a James's friends had some beef and they aired it really quick, mob style.
No-one knows where James was at that particular time. He might have been feeling a bit fucked up, I don't know. Just speculating.
Whatever, if you feel he's out of order, invite the cunt for a cider and a natter, rather than criticise in the arena of the forum.
By the way, BDW, I met you on the Tweed Run in your ratcatcher duds - you seemed a good bloke to me. -
• #25
but its alright for James to act an utter cunt to people on line then kiss their ass outside?
I didn't see any DJ bullying or Mob style attacks (that said i haven't been on here a great deal over the last week) he is a grown man who gets massive kicks off the attention, from what i saw most got pissed off with his constant attention seeking.
If he was indeed feeling a bit fucked up acting aggressive to new people and then creating threads about himself isn't really the smartest move. in fact its utter fuckwhittery at its finest. but that brings us back to why we accept him for what he is
I am a big, big lurker. I enjoy reading the forum, but I lack the urge to dive in on threads where I have little to add, and there are plenty of posters who know a lot more about the subjects being discussed than I do. So I lurk. So there.
Notwithstanding my wallfloweryness, over the last few weeks it’s disappointing to see Dancing James (henceforth DJ) doing a hermit crab in the face of a few rebukes. I’d like to put my hand up and ask for the old DJ back, please. Two reasons.
The strongest is the long thread re 50:14, which touches everyone except the emotionally amputated. I felt DJ was on the sharp end of that, and I think grieving people need to be cut a bit of latitude, even when they’re not on the actual subject of their grieving. It’s a hugely upsetting time and I think courtesy demands a bit of understanding in a few directions. If a few noobs suffer and get the hump, I think that’s OK. If one is doled short shrift, the first reasonable reaction ought to be to look at the shriftor’s other posts and ask whether the shriftor is cunt, or whether actually they’re normally OK, but just a touchy at the mo. People who don’t do this ought to head off to Bikeradar and have a good old barny over there. As a reader, it’s not that interesting (well, it is a bit funny) to plough through a lions vs Christians thread, and it’s a shame to see someone who’s obviously a decent guy being flamed over the odd bit of sharptoungueiness.
The second is the constant advertisement to two pieces of fixed doctrine: use foot retention and don’t go brakeless. I’ve been riding SS for 6 years, having bought my bike as a fixed and converted it to SS after a horrible couple of miles being pinged off my flatties every time I wanted to slow down. I’ve recently bought a new bike which came with a fixed gear, so I thought I’d give a go, clipped in this time, and hey presto! I can’t stay off it. Fantastic! For this piece of (oft repeated) wisdom, a big thank you to the forum and particularly DJ.
Nothing more than a late night bit of reflection, so if the old DJ is out there, can we have him back, please? If we can have less, “When I say that, I get heat, and when I say this I get heat,” and a bit more, “You ought to do that,” I’d be grateful. If the old DJ’s been set running in the woods and shot, then IMO, that’s a shame.
Anyway, nuff said: I have lurking to be gotten on with.