Stupid fucking retarded 'txt talk', oh my you are doing my head in and I've only had two messages from you.
At the age of 23 I'd like to think that you'd have a pretty decent grip on the English language, please fucking use it.
Haha I just ranted about this on my Facebook status. My cousin which some of you have met (and flirted with) at the west drinks, talks like that on Facebook, and she's two weeks older than me.
"tHe gRatE wAlL oF ScOTlaND"
Really?! Grate? What, the wall is made of cheese or something?
Haha I just ranted about this on my Facebook status. My cousin which some of you have met (and flirted with) at the west drinks, talks like that on Facebook, and she's two weeks older than me.
"tHe gRatE wAlL oF ScOTlaND"
Really?! Grate? What, the wall is made of cheese or something?