• James don't drag me into your spasmodic teenage lurchings, I sent you a couple of pm's when you were going through your irritating michel-Paul period, which was like what a year ago. Your recent actions have bought nothing but the odd post from me about where I think you stand, and what I think you should do as others have.
    If you want to jump from one extreme of behaviour and posting to the other that's your business but don't hail out my name as if I was the only one that pointed out that what you were doing, writing wasn't particularly funny and in fact was just damned irritating, all that happened was I was way ahead of the dancing James needs to calm down curve.
    As maya Angelou says "if you don't like something change it, if you can't change it change your attitude".
    Fix up James, fix up and don't be looking to blame anyone else for this situation, especially not me.
