There where a load of anti-abortion demonstrators in Bath this weekend, just standing by some roadworks with possibly the most redundant set of signs in the world.
Abortion - one killed, one wounded.
Abortion - a baby can live without it.
Yeah. That is pretty much how it goes, according to my understanding of the issue.
I leant out the window and started shouting 'THE RIGHT TO BODILY AUTONOMY SHOULD BE THE MOST SACRED OF ALL RIGHTS PROTECTED BY LAW' but I am totally unsure how much they got or how much they understood considering it was punctuated with lots of swearing and both fingers gesticulating wildly.
What a atavistic rally, does anyone even consider it an issue any more?
our lord in heaven, and the pope. when he's not buggering.
our lord in heaven, and the pope. when he's not buggering.