Tuesday Night Ride Club (TNRC)

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  • ^ sam - you looked in great early season form to me mate the other week. as did des on the whitstable ride. first into every climb and attacking all the way. impressive lads

  • ^^ - Oliver - it's always been a pleasure riding with you. last year on the roydon ride it just happens to be the one where people liked to sprint finish the last 8 miles and stretch the peleton out. let's hope your elbow gets sorted soon and we can do some long ones.

    Cheers, Tim. I remember that we were in danger of not getting to the pub on time/missing the train owing to all the punctures! (It woz them werewolves wot did it.)

    I did 50k yesterday (in three parts) and the elbow held up OK--just had to stop up one hill as I couldn't pull on the bars hard enough. Absolutely shocking form initially owing to having done nothing for weeks, too, but it started to feel good towards the end. Feeling optimistic now.

    you heard anything about the chelmsford 100 this year?
    Hm, not yet, no. Not sure they've had time to spend on it--CCH keep winning things left, right and centre this year (http://cyclingclubhackney.blogspot.com/2010/04/cch-123-clean-sweep-hog-hill-bill-theme.html, http://cyclingclubhackney.blogspot.com/2010/04/mean-while-back-at-ranch1-2-number-two.html, etc.), but I haven't heard about the 'Round Chelmsford'. It's getting a bit late for it now. I really love that route, perhaps I should make it my club duty to organise it in future years. I'll e-mail Keir to ask.

  • Tuesday 27th April - The '100g Toblerone Dark' Ride

    • 29 miler from Potters Bar; route http://www.bikemap.net/route/430003.

    • 3 short sharp climbs at beginning and end; flattish with good road surfaces in between; very dark in places with no road markings.

    • Train Out: Kings Cross @ 19h40, arriving Potters Bar @ 20h01. (a big and fairly empty train, but if they refuse all of us, there's also the 20h06, arriving 20h21 - the first group will have to wait at the start point)

    • Last Train Back: Potters Bar 00h18 (emergency ride back into town is about 15 miles and mostly downhill)

    • Return is £8 / groupsave4 is £4 / groupsave3 is £5.50ish

    1. BMMF (69.6" fixed)
    2. marcom (gears)
    3. Sean (67" fixed)
    4. jaygee (fixed)
    5. tika fixing it
    6. clintsmoker
    7. FIAMMETTA(69.6 or 65.7 fixed)
    8. jonny
    9. pjs (46/18 fixed wassat, 67?)
    10. damo (65 (age) and fixed (neutered)
    11. Jung
    12. Des
    13. jb
    14. middleofnowhere
    15. mashton (geared)
    16. CG (geared. yeah sue me!)
    17. Sam
    18. gav
    19. fred (71.6" fixed)
  • be good to get out on the tarmac with you all

  • The return of the fixed wheel. It's like we're jumping on some kind of bandwagon.

  • The return of the fixed wheel. It's like we're jumping on some kind of bandwagon.

    Yes, I am glad I didnt throw it out, I knew it would all come round again.

  • Tuesday 27th April - The '100g Toblerone Dark' Ride

    • 29 miler from Potters Bar; route http://www.bikemap.net/route/430003.

    • 3 short sharp climbs at beginning and end; flattish with good road surfaces in between; very dark in places with no road markings.

    • Train Out: Kings Cross @ 19h40, arriving Potters Bar @ 20h01. (a big and fairly empty train, but if they refuse all of us, there's also the 20h06, arriving 20h21 - the first group will have to wait at the start point)

    • Last Train Back: Potters Bar 00h18 (emergency ride back into town is about 15 miles and mostly downhill)

    • Return is £8 / groupsave4 is £4 / groupsave3 is £5.50ish

    1. BMMF (69.6" fixed)
    2. marcom (gears)
    3. Sean (67" fixed)
    4. jaygee (fixed)
    5. tika fixing it
    6. clintsmoker
    7. FIAMMETTA(69.6 or 65.7 fixed)
    8. jonny
    9. pjs (46/18 fixed wassat, 67?)
    10. damo (65 (age) and fixed (neutered)
    11. Jung
    12. Des
    13. jb
    14. middleofnowhere
    15. mashton (geared)
    16. CG (geared. yeah sue me!)
    17. Sam
    18. gav
    19. fred (71.6" fixed)
    20. Calleva (fixed)
  • fred Says: 19:07

    Tuesday 27th April - The '100g Toblerone Dark' Ride

    • 29 miler from Potters Bar; route here.

    • 3 short sharp climbs at beginning and end; flattish with good road surfaces in between; very dark in places with no road markings.

    • Train Out: Kings Cross @ 19h40, arriving Potters Bar @ 20h01. (a big and fairly empty train, but if they refuse all of us, there's also the 20h06, arriving 20h21 - the first group will have to wait at the start point)

    • Last Train Back: Potters Bar 00h18 (emergency ride back into town is about 15 miles and mostly downhill)

    • Return is £8 / groupsave4 is £4 / groupsave3 is £5.50ish

    1. BMMF (69.6" fixed)
    2. marcom (gears)
    3. Sean (67" fixed)
    4. jaygee (fixed)
    5. tika fixing it
    6. clintsmoker
    7. FIAMMETTA(69.6 or 65.7 fixed)
    8. jonny
    9. pjs (46/18 fixed wassat, 67?)
    10. damo (65 (age) and fixed (neutered)
    11. Jung
    12. Des
    13. jb
    14. middleofnowhere
    15. mashton (geared)
    16. CG (geared. yeah sue me!)
    17. Sam
    18. gav
    19. fred (71.6" fixed)
  • you heard anything about the chelmsford 100 this year?

    2nd of May. I've posted something up here:


  • I.O.W clash. shame^

  • [QUOTE=Calleva;1339544]Tuesday 27th April - The '100g Toblerone Dark' Ride

    • 29 miler from Potters Bar; route http://www.bikemap.net/route/430003.

    • 3 short sharp climbs at beginning and end; flattish with good road surfaces in between; very dark in places with no road markings.

    • Train Out: Kings Cross @ 19h40, arriving Potters Bar @ 20h01. (a big and fairly empty train, but if they refuse all of us, there's also the 20h06, arriving 20h21 - the first group will have to wait at the start point)

    • Last Train Back: Potters Bar 00h18 (emergency ride back into town is about 15 miles and mostly downhill)

    • Return is £8 / groupsave4 is £4 / groupsave3 is £5.50ish

    1. BMMF (69.6" fixed)
    2. marcom (gears)
    3. Sean (67" fixed)
    4. jaygee (fixed)
    5. tika fixing it
    6. clintsmoker
    7. FIAMMETTA(69.6 or 65.7 fixed)
    8. jonny
    9. pjs (46/18 fixed wassat, 67?)
    10. damo (65 (age) and fixed (neutered)
    11. Jung
    12. Des
    13. jb
    14. middleofnowhere
    15. mashton (geared)
    16. CG (geared. yeah sue me!)
    17. Sam
    18. gav
    19. fred (71.6" fixed)
    20. Calleva (fixed)
    21. pinky (saved your formatting ass)
  • I.O.W clash. shame^

    Yeah, I know. I'd taken my eye off the ball, too. It should normally be in early to mid-April, but everybody was too busy to do it earlier, it seems.

  • Tuesday 27th April - The '100g Toblerone Dark' Ride

    • 29 miler from Potters Bar; route http://www.bikemap.net/route/430003.

    • 3 short sharp climbs at beginning and end; flattish with good road surfaces in between; very dark in places with no road markings.

    • Train Out: Kings Cross @ 19h40, arriving Potters Bar @ 20h01. (a big and fairly empty train, but if they refuse all of us, there's also the 20h06, arriving 20h21 - the first group will have to wait at the start point)

    • Last Train Back: Potters Bar 00h18 (emergency ride back into town is about 15 miles and mostly downhill)

    • Return is £8 / groupsave4 is £4 / groupsave3 is £5.50ish

    1. BMMF (69.6" fixed)
    2. marcom (gears)
    3. Sean (67" fixed)
    4. jaygee (fixed)
    5. tika fixing it
    6. clintsmoker
    7. FIAMMETTA(69.6 or 65.7 fixed)
    8. jonny
    9. pjs (46/18 fixed wassat, 67?)
    10. damo (65 (age) and fixed (neutered)
    11. Jung
    12. Des
    13. jb
    14. middleofnowhere
    15. mashton (geared)
    16. CG (geared. yeah sue me!)
    17. Sam
    18. gav
    19. fred (71.6" fixed)
    20. Calleva (fixed)
    21. pinky (saved your formatting ass)
    22. furious tiles
  • Tuesday 27th April - The '100g Toblerone Dark' Ride

    • 29 miler from Potters Bar; route http://www.bikemap.net/route/430003.

    • 3 short sharp climbs at beginning and end; flattish with good road surfaces in between; very dark in places with no road markings.

    • Train Out: Kings Cross @ 19h40, arriving Potters Bar @ 20h01. (a big and fairly empty train, but if they refuse all of us, there's also the 20h06, arriving 20h21 - the first group will have to wait at the start point)

    • Last Train Back: Potters Bar 00h18 (emergency ride back into town is about 15 miles and mostly downhill)

    • Return is £8 / groupsave4 is £4 / groupsave3 is £5.50ish

    1. BMMF (69.6" fixed)
    2. marcom (gears)
    3. Sean (67" fixed)
    4. jaygee (fixed)
    5. tika fixing it
    6. clintsmoker
    7. FIAMMETTA(69.6 or 65.7 fixed)
    8. jonny
    9. pjs (46/18 fixed wassat, 67?)
    10. damo (65 (age) and fixed (neutered)
    11. Jung
    12. Des
    13. jb
    14. middleofnowhere
    15. mashton (geared)
    16. CG (geared. yeah sue me!)
    17. Sam
    18. gav
    19. fred (71.6" fixed)
    20. Calleva (fixed)
    21. pinky (saved your formatting ass)
    22. furious tiles
  • Tuesday 27th April - The '100g Toblerone Dark' Ride

    • 29 miler from Potters Bar; route here.

    • 3 short sharp climbs at beginning and end; flattish with good road surfaces in between; very dark in places with no road markings.

    • Train Out: Kings Cross @ 19h40, arriving Potters Bar @ 20h01. (a big and fairly empty train, but if they refuse all of us, there's also the 20h06, arriving 20h21 - the first group will have to wait at the start point)

    • Last Train Back: Potters Bar 00h18 (emergency ride back into town is about 15 miles and mostly downhill)

    • Return is £8 / groupsave4 is £4 / groupsave3 is £5.50ish

    1. BMMF (69.6" fixed)
    2. marcom (gears)
    3. Sean (67" fixed)
    4. jaygee (fixed)
    5. tika fixing it
    6. clintsmoker
    7. FIAMMETTA(69.6 or 65.7 fixed)
    8. jonny
    9. pjs (46/18 fixed wassat, 67?)
    10. damo (65 (age) and fixed (neutered)
    11. Jung
    12. Des
    13. jb
    14. middleofnowhere
    15. mashton (geared)
    16. CG (geared. yeah sue me!)
    17. Sam
    18. gav
    19. fred (71.6" fixed)
    20. Calleva (fixed)
    21. pinky (saved your formatting ass)
    22. furious tiles
    23. wools
  • I am f*cking doing this one. No excuses. No whimping out. It's happening.

  • Has anyone got a decent front light they can lend me for the night? I'll supply batteries. Acid killed my Cateye and I'm a bit skinny to replace it until payday.

  • Tuesday 27th April - The '100g Toblerone Dark' Ride

    • 29 miler from Potters Bar; route http://www.bikemap.net/route/430003.

    • 3 short sharp climbs at beginning and end; flattish with good road surfaces in between; very dark in places with no road markings.

    • Train Out: Kings Cross @ 19h40, arriving Potters Bar @ 20h01. (a big and fairly empty train, but if they refuse all of us, there's also the 20h06, arriving 20h21 - the first group will have to wait at the start point)

    • Last Train Back: Potters Bar 00h18 (emergency ride back into town is about 15 miles and mostly downhill)

    • Return is £8 / groupsave4 is £4 / groupsave3 is £5.50ish

    1. BMMF (69.6" fixed)
    2. marcom (gears)
    3. Sean (67" fixed)
    4. jaygee (fixed)
    5. tika fixing it
    6. clintsmoker
    7. FIAMMETTA(69.6 or 65.7 fixed)
    8. jonny
    9. pjs (46/18 fixed wassat, 67?)
    10. damo (65 (age) and fixed (neutered)
    11. Jung
    12. Des
    13. jb
    14. middleofnowhere
    15. mashton (geared)
    16. CG (geared. yeah sue me!)
    17. Sam
    18. gav
    19. fred (71.6" fixed)
    20. Calleva (fixed)
    21. pinky (saved your formatting ass)
    22. furious tiles
    23. wools
    24. claus
  • Acid killed my Cateye and I'm a bit skinny to replace it until payday.

    I would love to hear more about this particular trip.

  • ^
    Maybe you two can catch up and discuss it in a pub one night.
    I think neither of you are busy on the 27th ; )

  • Has anyone got a decent front light they can lend me for the night? I'll supply batteries. Acid killed my Cateye and I'm a bit skinny to replace it until payday.

    yep. PM me.

  • ^
    Maybe you two can catch up and discuss it in a pub one night.
    I think neither of you are busy on the 27th ; )

    lolz - perhaps they can invited wools along too.

  • Don't make me flounce.

    Don't do it.

  • Shit, just realised that I won't be able to flounce after all - there is a bum carpet sale on in Ikea.

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Tuesday Night Ride Club (TNRC)

Posted by Avatar for clintsmoker @clintsmoker
