3 short sharp climbs at beginning and end; flattish with good road surfaces in between; very dark in places with no road markings.
Train Out: Kings Cross @ 19h40, arriving Potters Bar @ 20h01. (a big and fairly empty train, but if they refuse all of us, there's also the 20h06, arriving 20h21 - the first group will have to wait at the start point)
Last Train Back: Potters Bar 00h18 (emergency ride back into town is about 15 miles and mostly downhill)
Return is £8 / groupsave4 is £4 / groupsave3 is £5.50ish
BMMF (69.6" fixed)
marcom (gears)
Sean (67" fixed)
jaygee (fixed)
tika fixing it
FIAMMETTA(69.6 or 65.7 fixed)
pjs (46/18 fixed wassat, 67?)
damo (65 (age) and fixed (neutered)
mashton (geared)
CG (geared. yeah sue me!)
Fuck it, I can always ride home if I miss the last train. It's not as if I've got to get up for work or anything....
Tuesday 27th April - The '100g Toblerone Dark' Ride
29 miler from Potters Bar; route here.
3 short sharp climbs at beginning and end; flattish with good road surfaces in between; very dark in places with no road markings.
Train Out: Kings Cross @ 19h40, arriving Potters Bar @ 20h01. (a big and fairly empty train, but if they refuse all of us, there's also the 20h06, arriving 20h21 - the first group will have to wait at the start point)
Last Train Back: Potters Bar 00h18 (emergency ride back into town is about 15 miles and mostly downhill)
Return is £8 / groupsave4 is £4 / groupsave3 is £5.50ish
Fuck it, I can always ride home if I miss the last train. It's not as if I've got to get up for work or anything....