those first 45 miles were some of the best ever. we saw perhaps 10 cars. the tarmac was fresh and as jonny says we fair clipped along without using too much energy so we slowed it down knowing the hills were due later. as soon as we hit them things started to become slightly more problematic. Marco fell at 2mph, des managed to find some stinging nettles ( he needs to explain this) and then a series of 4 punctures to shoots' (spurs are winning as i type ) rear wheel broke up the flow of the ride. it was cold out there and the stop start certainly did for my knees and made the last 2 hrs a bit of a slog. As ever it didn't detract from a top quality ride (do this route in the summer one night at the weekend, you may see a few more cars at midnight but less at rush hour, yes rush hour! in the morning.) how could it with 7 other riders of such calibre? great to see the fixies doing battle with the hills , martin leading things out and mysteriously starting to metamorphose into a badger. always reassuring to look up from mid peleton and see those black stripes leading things out. Plenty of laughs and jokes and although herne bay and whitstable are basically shit english seaside towns it was good to roll up and get stuck into breakfast.
there will be more deluxe in june and august and details will be posted early so time can be booked off work for those who wanted to come but couldn't.
oh yes, the stars were out in force last night
This... Amazing
Even if the Curse of Canterbury still looms large.
thanks to phil for waving us off. that did help as we were off into the dark.
Made it feel even more epic having an escort to the start point.
Cheers dude.Without ya there I woulda missed the train.
i like to think we have put the point back in pointless
G-niously put mate.
Respect due to all other 7 riders.
You each made this both do-able(PMJ) and enjoyable.
This... Amazing
Even if the Curse of Canterbury still looms large.
Made it feel even more epic having an escort to the start point.
Cheers dude.Without ya there I woulda missed the train.
G-niously put mate.
Respect due to all other 7 riders.
You each made this both do-able(PMJ) and enjoyable.
Already looking fwd to the next one