Really. The ref can penalise the foot-down player (double-tap and binning for repeat offences), but the ref and goal-refs cannot call a goal unless the whole of the ball has been put across the line from a legal shot.
Sorry but no number of tapouts would outweigh stopping a goal in my opinion. Refs CAN call shots blocked by dabbed players goals, you just don't think they should. I've posted before my suggestion that an offending goalkeeper in these circumstances be removed from play until a goal is scored on their team, but I don't know if we are ready for such a drastic rule implementation. The consensus seems to be that last years rules are best because they offer the least potential for debate
Sorry but no number of tapouts would outweigh stopping a goal in my opinion. Refs CAN call shots blocked by dabbed players goals, you just don't think they should. I've posted before my suggestion that an offending goalkeeper in these circumstances be removed from play until a goal is scored on their team, but I don't know if we are ready for such a drastic rule implementation. The consensus seems to be that last years rules are best because they offer the least potential for debate