Yes. wrong about plants and bee's, yes. Something like two thirds of the land mass deforested? thats a football pitch every 4 seconds? you'd like a fact? 56,000 square miles per year?
I knew you'd do this. See, you've departed from the topic again. Forget about the land mass deforested for a split second, forget about all that other stuff that's bubbled up like ripe shit round the trouser band of your troubled mind. Let me remind you, you said:
"2/3rds of all plant life relies on bees to pollinate, as such, that is the end of the world."
Which is horseshit. And if you can't admit that, as I said before, kindly fuck off, because you really are beyond rational redemption.
Sounds alarming, sounds sensationalist, do you actually need figures and percentages to really under stand the gravity of the situation? does looking out of the window or turning on a television not suffice...
Frankly, yes, figures and percentages help, in fact they are essential; and no, looking out of the window or turning on the television isn't enough. Anyway, isn't the television controlled by them?
Why have I had so much trouble for stating this? was it for stating this or the condescending tone? or that I think actually you can make a magnetic generator that overunifies. is that such an extravagent thought? that somehow repulsing magnets cannot be made to work more effeciently than soceity currently uses.
You haven't really said much that makes any sense, to be honest. You don't speak like someone that knows what they are talking about. Abuses of state power, environmental problems, are all real and serious issues but because you cannot be bothered to do them the service of understanding them, and finding evidence for what you say, you make a mockery of yourself, first, and the issues second. That's why people are getting on your case.
I knew you'd do this. See, you've departed from the topic again. Forget about the land mass deforested for a split second, forget about all that other stuff that's bubbled up like ripe shit round the trouser band of your troubled mind. Let me remind you, you said:
"2/3rds of all plant life relies on bees to pollinate, as such, that is the end of the world."
Which is horseshit. And if you can't admit that, as I said before, kindly fuck off, because you really are beyond rational redemption.
Frankly, yes, figures and percentages help, in fact they are essential; and no, looking out of the window or turning on the television isn't enough. Anyway, isn't the television controlled by them?
You haven't really said much that makes any sense, to be honest. You don't speak like someone that knows what they are talking about. Abuses of state power, environmental problems, are all real and serious issues but because you cannot be bothered to do them the service of understanding them, and finding evidence for what you say, you make a mockery of yourself, first, and the issues second. That's why people are getting on your case.