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  • Here is a passage concerning the total area available that could be (by stretching your imagination) visited by a bee, vs. the area that the bee would need some form of submarine/bee wet-suit:

    The earth seen from space looks like a blue colored planet with constant moving swirls of clouds of earth's everchanging weather. The earth is mostly blue because its large surface area of oceans. The surface area of the bodies takes up 70 percent of earth's total surface area while the land only takes up 30 percent. This is very little land. The highest point on land is Mount Everest and the lowest is the Dead Sea. Land gains and loses heat much quicker than oceans. The land around the middle latitudes usually have hot summers and cold winters. The percentages of earth's land surface can be divided into different types: 20% covered by snow land, 20% mountains, 20% dry land, 30% good land that can be farmed, 10% land doesn't have topsoil. In my research all of the data found on the land surface area was around 1.5 × 108 km2.

    From here:

    This is not a contentious theory by the way- most people would agree with these figures, they can be confirmed by having a look at the following image:

    By the way- are you drawing your info on de-Glaciation from the now discredited IPCC paper?


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