Firstly, I never said that police 'should not be charged for misconduct', you fucking bedwetter. I said a conviction could have encouraged more people to goad the police in difficult situations, if they know they could sell their story to some publicist. Why don't you re-read what i've read, instead of spouting bollocks.
Okay, I did. And this is what I have gathered from what you wrote (Quotes are yours, and I don't think their out of context): Ultimately, you think it would be a bad thing if any "dickhead with a gripe against any policeman would feel encouraged to take any officer to court for misconduct [...] It would have seriously undermined their authority." You also said: "I think the whole thing should have been dealt with internally."
Of course, you said "dickhead," but who will decide which cases are being raised by dickheads, and which ones are legitimate. Surely that's unworkable. Therefore, it's best if all cases (dickheads and legitimate) are handled internally.
From this, I conclude that you feel cops should not be publicly accountable for misconduct, as it will, in your opinion, undermine their authority. Instead, these issues should be handled internally.
I'm happy to be corrected. Unfortunately all I have to work with is what you say. It's fucking difficult at times.
Secondly, what's racist to you clearly is not racist to me. I would have posted it up if he was a white fella, makes no difference to me. But whatever, I don't have to explain myself to you, I really don't care if you think that image was racist, I have more important things to worry about than offending your delicate sensibilities
You don't have to be Roland Barthes to read it as racist. If you can't see it, fair enough; you're a naive dim wit.
Okay, I did. And this is what I have gathered from what you wrote (Quotes are yours, and I don't think their out of context): Ultimately, you think it would be a bad thing if any "dickhead with a gripe against any policeman would feel encouraged to take any officer to court for misconduct [...] It would have seriously undermined their authority." You also said: "I think the whole thing should have been dealt with internally."
Of course, you said "dickhead," but who will decide which cases are being raised by dickheads, and which ones are legitimate. Surely that's unworkable. Therefore, it's best if all cases (dickheads and legitimate) are handled internally.
From this, I conclude that you feel cops should not be publicly accountable for misconduct, as it will, in your opinion, undermine their authority. Instead, these issues should be handled internally.
I'm happy to be corrected. Unfortunately all I have to work with is what you say. It's fucking difficult at times.