If I give a link, would it be looked at objectively? I have been studying this for the last 15 years, as It is I am being snorted at by people (not tynan) and called names, so far I have been mocked and dismissed out of hand, over the slightest of issues.
Wingedangel, I guess you are being mocked for the very simple reason that you are making extraordinary claims and claims for supporting evidence and then refusing to share that evidence.
Can you not see how this might make people doubt your claims ?
This is honestly how you come across, . . .
A: "The government is poisoning the water supply to kill off the population"
B: "That sounds extraordinary, where have you heard about this, do you have any info I can look at ?"
A: "Not only the water supply but parts of the food chain, they want to depopulate the globe and bring in a new world order"
B: "The food supply as well !? That sounds awful, can I have a look at the info you have ?"
A: "They have been poisoning the water for 30 years, there is a well respected ex-government scientist who become a whistle blower and they are trying to silence him, but he won't give in to their fear tactics"
B: "Can I have a look at the information you have seen ?"
A: "And the skies, they have been spraying chemitrails for 30 years as well, it is part of the same plan"
B: "Ok, that sounds bad too, but can I have a look at the information for the poisoning of the food and water supplies ?"
A: "The energy companies don't want you to know about free energy, it would signal the end for them and they don't want that to happen, that's why 9/11 was an inside job, to start a war with an oil rich country"
B: "Please, pretty please can I see the info on governments involvement in this alleged poisoning of the food and water supplies ?"
A: "Alleged !? You don't believe me, get your fucking head out of the corporate arse and start thinking for yourself, or maybe you would be happier with SOMA, sat watching the TV they force feed to you"
B: "Ok, I see, but I still want to look at the info on the poisoning of the food and water supplies"
A: "If you got up off your arse and tried to shake yourself out of the consumer 9-5 drone trance you are in you might see the information with your own eyes rather than getting others to do the thinking for you, or maybe you should just go back to sleep, I think you all might be happier in a permanent coma, because that is where you are now"
B: "eh . . . . ok, any chance I could look at the information that lead you to believe that our government is involved in the poisoning of the food and water supplies ?"
*A: "[I]Our* government ? You think they are our government, wake up sunshine, the illuminati have well and truly pulled the wool over your already shut eyes if you think they are our government, you think you are voting these NWO puppets in when you place your cross in the box ? Dream on sunshine, dream on. Do you know in the last US election over 7 million votes were not counted, why ? THEY DID NOT FIT IN WITH THE NWO AGENDA. Understand now ? Or are you still asleep ?[/I]
B: "Right, sorry, the government . . . could I look at the information that lead you to believe that the government is involved in the poisoning of the food and water supplies ?"
A: "The government make statues and acts BUT NOT LAWS, but do you know anything about common law, do you know that real law (not man made law) is based on love and not greed and money, do you even know anything about the money system, you probably have never bothered to think about it have you, too much effort for someone like yourself, you'd probably prefer to let others do your thinking for you, MONEY IS NOT REAL, it is fake, it is worthless, check out the work of Henry Harani, Thomas Pressou, Dan Frentton, Alice Keen, Brian Skippton and Paul Hampton, these guys knew THE TRUTH, try and read something for once, that's if you can even read, NOT THAT THE SCHOOLS WANT YOU TO BE ABLE TO READ.
B: "So, I take it you are not going to show me the information about the poisoning of the food and water supplies then ?"
A: "why should I, would you even understand it ? You would just read it and think it was a load of rubbish, you would not even understand what it means, I have been studying this stuff for 25 years, why should I just give it to you, so you can mock me ? The world is going through some big changes right now, IN TWO YEARS TIME THERE WILL BE BIG CHANGES, you won't even see them coming, the Mayans knew, the Zoroastrians knew, every 64,000 years the earth's 'peace' frequency flips by 180° - can't happen ? THINK AGAIN SUNSHINE, WAKE UP AND THINK AGAIN - if you knew anything about quantum physics you might have a clue, the Mayans PREDICTED QUANTUM PHYSICS, their word for it is 'Siemba' which literally translates as THE END OF TIME. Wake up, dream on, find your own path, do your own research, go back to sleep, get your head out of the arse of BIG BUSINESS, do you even know how your tax funds the W.H.O ?
Wingedangel, I guess you are being mocked for the very simple reason that you are making extraordinary claims and claims for supporting evidence and then refusing to share that evidence.
Can you not see how this might make people doubt your claims ?
This is honestly how you come across, . . .
A: "The government is poisoning the water supply to kill off the population"
B: "That sounds extraordinary, where have you heard about this, do you have any info I can look at ?"
A: "Not only the water supply but parts of the food chain, they want to depopulate the globe and bring in a new world order"
B: "The food supply as well !? That sounds awful, can I have a look at the info you have ?"
A: "They have been poisoning the water for 30 years, there is a well respected ex-government scientist who become a whistle blower and they are trying to silence him, but he won't give in to their fear tactics"
B: "Can I have a look at the information you have seen ?"
A: "And the skies, they have been spraying chemitrails for 30 years as well, it is part of the same plan"
B: "Ok, that sounds bad too, but can I have a look at the information for the poisoning of the food and water supplies ?"
A: "The energy companies don't want you to know about free energy, it would signal the end for them and they don't want that to happen, that's why 9/11 was an inside job, to start a war with an oil rich country"
B: "Please, pretty please can I see the info on governments involvement in this alleged poisoning of the food and water supplies ?"
A: "Alleged !? You don't believe me, get your fucking head out of the corporate arse and start thinking for yourself, or maybe you would be happier with SOMA, sat watching the TV they force feed to you"
B: "Ok, I see, but I still want to look at the info on the poisoning of the food and water supplies"
A: "If you got up off your arse and tried to shake yourself out of the consumer 9-5 drone trance you are in you might see the information with your own eyes rather than getting others to do the thinking for you, or maybe you should just go back to sleep, I think you all might be happier in a permanent coma, because that is where you are now"
B: "eh . . . . ok, any chance I could look at the information that lead you to believe that our government is involved in the poisoning of the food and water supplies ?"
*A: "[I]Our* government ? You think they are our government, wake up sunshine, the illuminati have well and truly pulled the wool over your already shut eyes if you think they are our government, you think you are voting these NWO puppets in when you place your cross in the box ? Dream on sunshine, dream on. Do you know in the last US election over 7 million votes were not counted, why ? THEY DID NOT FIT IN WITH THE NWO AGENDA. Understand now ? Or are you still asleep ?[/I]
B: "Right, sorry, the government . . . could I look at the information that lead you to believe that the government is involved in the poisoning of the food and water supplies ?"
A: "The government make statues and acts BUT NOT LAWS, but do you know anything about common law, do you know that real law (not man made law) is based on love and not greed and money, do you even know anything about the money system, you probably have never bothered to think about it have you, too much effort for someone like yourself, you'd probably prefer to let others do your thinking for you, MONEY IS NOT REAL, it is fake, it is worthless, check out the work of Henry Harani, Thomas Pressou, Dan Frentton, Alice Keen, Brian Skippton and Paul Hampton, these guys knew THE TRUTH, try and read something for once, that's if you can even read, NOT THAT THE SCHOOLS WANT YOU TO BE ABLE TO READ.
B: "So, I take it you are not going to show me the information about the poisoning of the food and water supplies then ?"
A: "why should I, would you even understand it ? You would just read it and think it was a load of rubbish, you would not even understand what it means, I have been studying this stuff for 25 years, why should I just give it to you, so you can mock me ? The world is going through some big changes right now, IN TWO YEARS TIME THERE WILL BE BIG CHANGES, you won't even see them coming, the Mayans knew, the Zoroastrians knew, every 64,000 years the earth's 'peace' frequency flips by 180° - can't happen ? THINK AGAIN SUNSHINE, WAKE UP AND THINK AGAIN - if you knew anything about quantum physics you might have a clue, the Mayans PREDICTED QUANTUM PHYSICS, their word for it is 'Siemba' which literally translates as THE END OF TIME. Wake up, dream on, find your own path, do your own research, go back to sleep, get your head out of the arse of BIG BUSINESS, do you even know how your tax funds the W.H.O ?
. . . . etc etc ad nauseam.