Giving BBC6 a shot today. I usually just work with MP3s, as DJs distract me. We'll see how it goes.
The best radio show I've ever had the pleasure of listening to was Brave New Waves on CBC. Midnight to 4am on weekdays, on Canada's equivalent of BBC Radio 3 (CBC Radio 2). Was cancelled a few years ago (ugh!), but I think some of you would have loved it - you could hear everything from pieces by John Zorn, to interviews with Xiu Xiu/the Elephant 6 boys and girls/David Byrne/Constellation Records peeps/etc., to pieces on Chicago art rock (Gastr del Sol/David Grubbs/Jim O'Rourke), etc.. And it had its fair share of electroacoustic pieces. I had a friend who was unsigned, sent in his album, and was the opening song twice. Fucking awesomeness.
Giving BBC6 a shot today. I usually just work with MP3s, as DJs distract me. We'll see how it goes.
The best radio show I've ever had the pleasure of listening to was Brave New Waves on CBC. Midnight to 4am on weekdays, on Canada's equivalent of BBC Radio 3 (CBC Radio 2). Was cancelled a few years ago (ugh!), but I think some of you would have loved it - you could hear everything from pieces by John Zorn, to interviews with Xiu Xiu/the Elephant 6 boys and girls/David Byrne/Constellation Records peeps/etc., to pieces on Chicago art rock (Gastr del Sol/David Grubbs/Jim O'Rourke), etc.. And it had its fair share of electroacoustic pieces. I had a friend who was unsigned, sent in his album, and was the opening song twice. Fucking awesomeness.