The majority of men who are HIV positive have been infected through the penis.* *
There is conclusive epidemiological evidence to show that uncircumcised men are at a much greater risk of becoming infected with HIV than circumcised men.* *
The inner surface of the foreskin contains Langerhans' cells with HIV receptors; these cells are likely to be the primary point of viral entry into the penis of an uncircumcised man.* *
Male circumcision should be seriously considered as an additional means of preventing HIV in all countries with a high prevalence of infection.* *
The development of HIV receptor blockers, which could be applied to the penis or vagina before intercourse, might provide a new form of HIV prevention
*You have to sign in to read the full article, but that is free. There is plenty more evidence to back this up as well. There are a million different things contributing to HIV/STD prevalence, some physical, some social, some political, but every little thing that can reduce the infection rate has got to be a good thing. I wouldn't advocate 'mass-circumcision', but surely it should be promoted. It is naïve and arrogant just to just suggest that more people use condoms or fuck less.
From the British Medical Journal
*Summary points
The majority of men who are HIV positive have been infected through the penis.* *
There is conclusive epidemiological evidence to show that uncircumcised men are at a much greater risk of becoming infected with HIV than circumcised men.* *
The inner surface of the foreskin contains Langerhans' cells with HIV receptors; these cells are likely to be the primary point of viral entry into the penis of an uncircumcised man.* *
Male circumcision should be seriously considered as an additional means of preventing HIV in all countries with a high prevalence of infection.* *
The development of HIV receptor blockers, which could be applied to the penis or vagina before intercourse, might provide a new form of HIV prevention
*You have to sign in to read the full article, but that is free. There is plenty more evidence to back this up as well. There are a million different things contributing to HIV/STD prevalence, some physical, some social, some political, but every little thing that can reduce the infection rate has got to be a good thing. I wouldn't advocate 'mass-circumcision', but surely it should be promoted. It is naïve and arrogant just to just suggest that more people use condoms or fuck less.