• #52
My mate at work has been worried because his cock was itching and it swelled up so he couldn't pull his foreskin back. It got worse and worse, and he wouldn't go to the doctors, and it really started to hurt, so he sort of yanked the skin back and tonnes of foul smelling cheese bust out all over the place and he almost, literally, puked on his own cock. I told him that if he had done he would have been an instant hero on this forum.
It didn't make him feel any better.
Pictures or it didnt happen! (and not of your crack(ers) ) -
• #53
Says the kid with the biggest afro in Uxbridge ;p
Plenty of bigger ones around...
The only people who thing circumcision at birth is a good thing are either weak minded, religious nutcases, or, those who have had it done by parents because their parents are weak minded religious nutcases, and are bitter about their own mutilation* to the point that they wish to force the mutilation* on everyone else.
Circumcision at birth has no scientifically proven medical benefits and should be illegal.
No person should ever be mutilated*. The only circumstance that circumcision should be legal is for genuine medical reasons.
*mutilation because that is exactly what it is.
• #54
youre over analysing it... Anyone who has had it done is now not mentally scarred... Its not that bad.
• #55
I had it done when I was 11. Not a good gig. Saying that, I'm glad I've got a gloss finish now. Lasses are a lot less bothered about noshing off a cut cock than one wearing a snood full of Dairy Lee.
• #56
youre over analysing it... Anyone who has had it done is now not mentally scarred... Its not that bad.
For one thing, that's bullshit. i can point you to a tonne of people who ARE mentally scarred by this shit - check the norm link, for one. And though you can argue that mental scarring is worse than physical scarring, I'm not sure I would - quite aside from the mental scarring, trust issues, what have you, kids die from this process quite regularly. Blood loss, dirty equipment. And shit, did you read that story about the rabbi who gave those boys gential warts/herpes while circumcising them? Fucked UP.
But the bigger point is not whether it's something which causes mental harm or not. The point is that no-one has the right to force surgery with no medical benefit on the non-consenting, and anyone who says otherwise is merely arguing from a weird position of cultural relativity which is the EXACT same thing which allows Female Genital Mutilation to continue apace.
Seriously, kids, fix up.
• #57
For one thing, that's bullshit. i can point you to a tonne of people who ARE mentally scarred by this shit - check the norm link, for one. And though you can argue that mental scarring is worse than physical scarring, I'm not sure I would - quite aside from the mental scarring, trust issues, what have you, kids die from this process quite regularly. Blood loss, dirty equipment. And shit, did you read that story about the rabbi who gave those boys gential warts/herpes while circumcising them? Fucked UP.
But the bigger point is not whether it's something which causes mental harm or not. The point is that no-one has the right to force surgery with no medical benefit on the non-consenting, and anyone who says otherwise is merely arguing from a weird position of cultural relativity which is the EXACT same thing which allows Female Genital Mutilation to continue apace.
Seriously, kids, fix up.
Good post fella.
• #58
Circumcision at birth has no scientifically proven medical benefits .
Wrong. Studies have shown a much higher rate of HIV infection in men who are uncircumcised.
Looks like those kikes were right all along :))
• #59
Foreskin evangelists.
Noone is advocating female mutilation. Noone is advocating the snip with dirty tools.
Just saying that growing up in a western country, having undertaken the procedure in sterile conditions and having no side effects, it just isnt that bad. If you're mentally scarred, you probably need to man up.
I dont give a fuck one way or another.
But yeah, its generally a bit pointless.
• #60
anyone who says otherwise is merely arguing from a weird position of cultural relativity which is the EXACT same thing which allows Female Genital Mutilation to continue apace.
Seriously, kids, fix up.
Don't be stupid. Female genital mutilation is something quite different. It's about male power over women. It has no health benefits, its sole purpose is to reduce pleasure for females during sex.
• #61
I findg out in 4 weeks whether I am having my Uvula removed. Fuck yeah.
Might get rid of all my superfluous bits. Appendectomy next year if I can afford it.
• #62
Wrong. Studies have shown a much higher rate of HIV infection in men who are uncircumcised.
Looks like those kikes were right all along :))
So you'd advocate a preventative surgical procedure that reduces risk of contracting one STD during unprotected sex? Why not simply advocate protected sex and better education?
Circumcision is only a majority practice in the US and Israel. Israel is Jewish and the US has private healthcare. Cause or corolation?
I find it abhorent that millions of children have needless surgery on their genitalia, just to make money.
But yeah, its generally a bit pointless.
exactly. A sex life is possible cut or uncut, but the fact is it makes a significant difference, so why needlessly impose it?
The risk of infection is too low to justify universal circumcision, there is no hygiene debate, if you don't clean your knob it's your fault not the design of your foreskin.
• #63
Don't be stupid. Female genital mutilation is something quite different. It's about male power over women. It has no health benefits, its sole purpose is to reduce pleasure for females during sex.
Where as male circumcision was never about modifing a man's libedo for the betterment of society, nor more recently as a buisness venture? The only reason more people are seeking circumcision for their children is because the faux medical arguments used by US companies are seeping over to our shores.
I cant be arsed to find links, but a quick look on wikipedia gives a quote by the american medical association :
Virtually all current policy statements from specialty societies and medical organizations do not recommend routine neonatal circumcision, and support the provision of accurate and unbiased information to parents to inform their choice.
• #64
Don't be stupid. Female genital mutilation is something quite different. It's about male power over women. It has no health benefits, its sole purpose is to reduce pleasure for females during sex.
This is exactly what I meant about cultural relativism above. We assume so easily that what those African tribes do is SO different to what we do. Why? Well, we're civilised, aren't we? And those Africans, well, they're misogynists - dirty, uncivilised misogynists.
Bullshit. I say again: bullshit. Female Genital Mutilation can be one of four different levels. The first few are no different to male circumcision - it's why before FGM was the preferred nomenclature, the phrase Female Circumcision was interchangable,even to the point where the WHO were using it (incorrectly).
The moral justification is identical. Don't believe me? Ask yourself the question: what is the point at which female genital mutilation becomes wrong? Is it the level at which women have the skin around their clitorises removed (i.e. an actual female circumcision - circum meaning around, and cision meaning cut - identical to male circumcision and equally adept at removing sexual sensitivity)? Is it the point at which the labia are removed? is it the point at which the clitoris is removed? Or where the labia are sewn?
No, this isn't a relative issue. There's no point at which this is OK. ANY forced surgery on those too young (or too pressured by society) to give a meaningful consent, ESPECIALLY when it's done without anesthetic, without medical benefit, is FUCKED.
It might not have fucked you up; you were one of the lucky ones. Doesn't make it right to do that shit to any children ever again.
• #65
Foreskin evangelists.
Noone is advocating female mutilation. Noone is advocating the snip with dirty tools.
Just saying that growing up in a western country, having undertaken the procedure in sterile conditions and having no side effects, it just isnt that bad. If you're mentally scarred, you probably need to man up.
I dont give a fuck one way or another.
But yeah, its generally a bit pointless.
now this is a PLUS ONE
• #66
Guys your not filling me full of confidence. i'm facing it. and i'm only young. too young
• #67
• #68
A bike accident about going over the handlebars. and catching the chap on the stem. my gp says circumcition is the most likely option. and this talk of infection isn't filling me with confidence
• #69
now this is a PLUS ONE
Really? Man up to do something pointless. Very Manly
A bike accident about going over the handlebars. and catching the chap on the stem. my gp says circumcition is the most likely option. and this talk of infection isn't filling me with confidence
ouch, reminds me of:
• #70
So you'd advocate a preventative surgical procedure that reduces risk of contracting one STD during unprotected sex? Why not simply advocate protected sex and better education?
Circumcision is only a majority practice in the US and Israel. Israel is Jewish and the US has private healthcare.
The risk of infection is too low to justify universal circumcision, there is no hygiene debate, if you don't clean your knob it's your fault not the design of your foreskin.
OK, it's not one STD. It's pretty much every STD in the book. The risk of infection is significantly reduced with circumcision. The BBC link I provided earlier states the risk of HIV infection from vaginal sex is reduced by something like 60%. I'm think other studies have shown similar rates, although I have none to hand now. If you want to see some evidence, google "HIV circumcision" for more information.
Promoting sex education is easier said than done, as 40 years of education has shown us. People are gonna have unprotected sex. HIV infection rates are sky high in some parts of the world. I think circumcision, done at birth, is a sound method of reducing or at least stabilising the infection rate, over the long term.
Also, it isn't only Israel and the States where male circumcision is widespread. Don't forget about the 1.5 billion Muslims in all the Muslim-majority countries. Something like 30% of men on Earth are circumcised.
• #71
Crumb, if its a medical procedure carried out by trained professionals then there is no need to worry.
Just don't read anything about hospital super bugs.
• #72
I said Israel and US had *majority *circumcision, can't remember where i heard it, it may not be true. Nevertheless the US is the only secular country with high majority circumcision. Wonder why? It's nothing to do with HIV.
The info I've seen about medical benefits only mention HIV (besides unfounded arguments about risk of infection and hygiene). It is obviously not a solution to prevent HIV. However in south africa and similar area with HIV epidemic perhaps extreme measures may help, but then you have to wonder why they have an epidemic in the first place and you'll find lack of testing and safe sex is the cause.
Anyway that isn't to do with policy decisions in the west is it?
So is HIV risk reduction it?
• #73
cool. is there some sort of initiation into this thread. nothing too homo errotic i hope
• #74
Plenty of bigger ones around...
The only people who thing circumcision at birth is a good thing are either weak minded, religious nutcases, or, those who have had it done by parents because their parents are weak minded religious nutcases, and are bitter about their own mutilation* to the point that they wish to force the mutilation* on everyone else.
Circumcision at birth has no scientifically proven medical benefits and should be illegal.
No person should ever be mutilated*. The only circumstance that circumcision should be legal is for genuine medical reasons.
*mutilation because that is exactly what it is.
The only people that oppose genital mutilation are those who dont have the balls, or whose parents didnt have the balls to do it and are jealous and bitter about the disgusting piece of skin confining their penis and want to force the inconveniance, of having to use your hands to piss, on everyone else.
• #75
I for one agree with our child-mutilation friendly overlord.
Remove all nipples of male children. Without aesthetic if poss! They don't need them! Awesome!