Here's the cape in progress - still got epaulettes / buttons / button holes and lining to tidy up. You can just get a glimpse of the colour of the lining in the pic with the unfinished hem hanging too low. Nice and bright. Buttons will be silver skull and crossbones designs :-). First time I've ever done a 'rolled collar' ... seems to have worked! The arm holes are not designed for bike riding though, I might have to make some adjustments there later to give some better arm movement. I tell you though, this cape is definitely going to get more outings than just the tweed run ... 50 fixed women as well at the least!!
Here's the cape in progress - still got epaulettes / buttons / button holes and lining to tidy up. You can just get a glimpse of the colour of the lining in the pic with the unfinished hem hanging too low. Nice and bright. Buttons will be silver skull and crossbones designs :-). First time I've ever done a 'rolled collar' ... seems to have worked! The arm holes are not designed for bike riding though, I might have to make some adjustments there later to give some better arm movement. I tell you though, this cape is definitely going to get more outings than just the tweed run ... 50 fixed women as well at the least!!