• #52
Our London Cycling Campaign guy in Southwark has already been in touch with the developers at the Shard building site and hopes to get some answers about the movements of the Keltbray lorries, they are not supposed to be using the minor roads. Some residents have complained that they do.
Official H&S method statements needed from Keltbray/developer. There may be a condition of planning with the council stating which roads are to be used and not used. Not sure how you go about obtaining that, rest assured that Keltbray are probably panicing if their lorries movements contravene any agreed method statements in place.
• #53
R.I.P cyclist...
Always horrible to hear news of an accident like this, or any accident in fact.I really don't understand the attitude of a lot of lorry drivers towards cyclists. My experience this morning is a prime example (see below).
RIP. Very sad.
I saw an articluated JCB mover turning left this morning at the lights.
Lady cyclist also taking corner. I'm thinking
She faultered and put a foot down.
I started to shout.
The lorry driver realised.
Slammed on brakes and hooted.
I wonder if that was the same JCB mover that came close to taking me out on the roundabout at the top of old kent rd this morning?
I was quite a distance ahead of him on the roundabout, coming towards the left turn up to Borough. Knowing he was there I had moved to the middle of the lane as a deterent to him trying to get past... unfortunately its two lanes wide leading into the turn and he was an aggressive idiot.
He basically put his foot down and tried to get past me as we approached the (quite tight) corner. I pulled over and slowed to let him go past, watching as he stretched the trailer over the entire width of the corner. Had I not take aversive action I would have been at the apex of the corner as this occured and then very quickly under a rear wheel. Even now, i'm still questioning why someone would do something so needless and dangerous?
• #54
one day you might have saved that lorry drivers life but instead he took yours.
• #55
What's needed is super fucking massive fines for the companies involved, like £5M. Ca$h is the only thing that will make them care- especially crippling amounts that would see them fold. That or have one of their loved-ones killed in the same fashion.
(I hate to make the last statement but in my heart I know it's true)
• #56
Tipper trucks in this country are consistantly driven like go-karts down the public highways. Its crazy.
video cameras. get evidence. what else can be done?
• #57
The companies need to take a significant blame as the pit a lot of pressure on drivers to be quick e.t.c.
• #58
What's needed are massive fines for the companies involved.
• #59
What's needed is super fucking massive fines for the companies involved, like £5M. Ca$h is the only thing that will make them care- especially crippling amounts that would see them fold. That or have one of their loved-ones killed in the same fashion.
(I hate to make the last statement but in my heart I know it's true)
There is 'corporate manslaughter' which may suit - I appeal to our resident lawyers to give clarity as to the level of proof required :-/
• #60
not the right region of London but there is a meeting for Kensington and Chelsea re cycling tonight
FFS make yourselves heard
we can not let this continue
• #61
R.I.P cyclist...
Always horrible to hear news of an accident like this, or any accident in fact.I really don't understand the attitude of a lot of lorry drivers towards cyclists. My experience this morning is a prime example (see below).
I wonder if that was the same JCB mover that came close to taking me out on the roundabout at the top of old kent rd this morning?
I was quite a distance ahead of him on the roundabout, coming towards the left turn up to Borough. Knowing he was there I had moved to the middle of the lane as a deterent to him trying to get past... unfortunately its two lanes wide leading into the turn and he was an aggressive idiot.
He basically put his foot down and tried to get past me as we approached the (quite tight) corner. I pulled over and slowed to let him go past, watching as he stretched the trailer over the entire width of the corner. Had I not take aversive action I would have been at the apex of the corner as this occured and then very quickly under a rear wheel. Even now, i'm still questioning why someone would do something so needless and dangerous?
This kind of incident must happen multiple times every day, it's amazing there are not more fatalities. Does anyone have the stats on HGV and cyclist fatalities in london when compared with cars and cyclists?
• #62
Terrible to hear about yet another lorry related fatality.
I used to live in SE1 and all the shard traffic is a total menace - really glad I've moved.
• #63
• #64
so who is going to the meeting this evening
its all well and good making sage posts here, but we need to back it up with attendence
• #65
This is just madness. So so sad. RIP
• #66
I cycled up Weston street last night on way to work and guess what? A huge articulated lorry was squeezing down towards me. It beggars belief that lorries are even using this road. Horrible news. RIP
• #67
He was a family friend. Family is so distraught, I'll pass on all the messages.
• #68
It is terrible. It makes me feel sick when I read these reports.
My condolences.
I think that large good vehicles need to be banned outright from zone 1 and 2 between the hours of 6am and 9pm -
• #69
Have heard through some university mates that the rider was a medical student at Guy's Hospital and a friend of other friends.
Guy's Hospital RFC are due to play in the United Hospitals cup finals on saturday and sunday and there's talk of a minutes silence and black armbands etc in his honour.
Can't say I knew him myself but have doubtless been in his vicinity at some point in the last few years and I know people that speak very highly of him. Such a shame that someone with such potential can be senselessly cut down in their prime.
• #70
I live in Weston Street, I can see the site from my flat, but didn't see the incident. Cycle daily and am humbled at how easily it occurred. Everyone familiar with the road knows it's hugely popular with cyclists, the surface is terrible and the sight line in that particular area is poor when cars are parked.
There have been two recent initiatives to make the street "better"... Firstly, Southwark Council further along at the junction of Leathermarket St did the all pervasive road level with the pavement, allow cars to run across your feet-style junction. It had previously been perfectly adequate. And at the fatal site, the junction of Snowsfield and Weston Street, Team London Bridge undertook a project they call "pocket plazas". Neither were aimed at safety, neither discouraged speeding and neither party will put their hands up to acknowledge their complicity in wasting money when lives should be the primary goal.
I wish the family every respect and was heartened to see locals had placed flowers and candles outside the Rose pub. -
• #71
Do you all REALLY want these HGV's off the street by day?
How does that address the attitudes and contempt of companies and drivers?
Think about how much more dangerous night rides become: Mario Cart in the dark.
Proper eye watering punishment would suffice- if only there was the will...
• #72
this is sad news ... RIP fella.
• #73
Do you all REALLY want these HGV's off the street by day?
Most of these crashes happen in the morning peak, Festus. I doubt that they would simply be shifted to another time if HGVs were banned from the morning peak (which is one of the big asks).
• #74
It irritates me profusely that when reported in the evening standard they made a point of saying the guy wasnt wearing a helmet.....as if it was his fault and a helmet might have saved him.
Lets be honest, is a helmet really going to help you when you get smacked down by a 20 ton hunk of metal? cnuts. these things really need to be off the streets in rush hour.
• #75
Official H&S method statements needed from Keltbray/developer. There may be a condition of planning with the council stating which roads are to be used and not used. Not sure how you go about obtaining that, rest assured that Keltbray are probably panicing if their lorries movements contravene any agreed method statements in place.
Should all be available on Southwarks website in the planning area
almost forgot i got left turned by a stupidly fast artic lorry coming south off blackfriars late last night. i just laughed it off as all turned out fine. Then i see this poor chap. Some lorrys need to slow the fuck down and take in their surroundings.
RIP fella