If we make all issues open to non-members then there is a privacy issue with how the association can interact with other bodies/companies. It's a bad idea in general and very unprofessional, perhaps an alternative could be some sort of separate summary/info that's posted to the public domain (this is more work though)?
I just want to nail this one.
There is no reason why LHBPA minutes (including minutes of committee meetings) should not be published to the web. Not to do so, contrary to what Jono says above, is a bad idea and very unprofessional. Publishing minutes is standard practice for any public or representative body that you care mention.
I just want to nail this one.
There is no reason why LHBPA minutes (including minutes of committee meetings) should not be published to the web. Not to do so, contrary to what Jono says above, is a bad idea and very unprofessional. Publishing minutes is standard practice for any public or representative body that you care mention.
Eg http://www.northdevonfootballleague.org.uk/minutes0809.php http://openlylocal.com/documents/17805-Minutes-for-Overview-and-Scrutiny-Management-Committee-meeting-Oct-19-2009-1-00PM
Now let's be clear: minutes are NOT a verbatim transcript of all discussions, but they are a record of what decisions have been taken.
If anyone has a problem with this, then they probably should not get involved with the LHBPA, or any other representative or public body.